Chapter four, part one

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“Well if anyone gets the satisfaction of killing him, it’s me.” I told Lucifer. “I can handle pain and blood so long as it’s my own or some one’s that I don’t hate. If I hate them it makes it seem so much worse than it actually is.” I said to Lucifer. “Come on, Aria leave him alone, his bones are half healed and he’s not bleeding anymore. Let him wake up on his own please, you’ll cause him more pain then he just had.” I said to Lucifer then Aria.

“Actually I should get going, it’s late and both I and you need to sleep. So bye.” He said and gave me a quick hug.

“Bye. But why does it feel like I’ve known you forever?” I asked him.

“Because maybe you have.” He said and walked away, leaving me with a confused expression on my face. I looked to Aria who was looking at where Lucifer had disappeared.

“Damned angels of light think they’re all that, so does darkness but we don’t go around screaming it,” She mumbled then said to me, “he may have been talking about past lives, that would explain why you don’t know more about your ancestors but it doesn’t explain why you are the first female werewolf because generally you would be the same thing....” She droned on and on, all the way back to our room. I left James there, knowing he’d be up and running in about five minutes. God help him if he woke me up. There would defiantly be a couple of choice words coming from my mouth if he did. When we got to our room I yanked open the drawers to the dresser and found an oversized t-shirt and shorts. I threw them on. I opened the laptop that sat on the desk and checked my email. It was all junk, something in another language, and something from windows live team, stuff like that. I flipped over to Face Book and found that nothing had happened, oh some random person I know from god knows when, harvested her crops in ‘Farmville’! OMG so exciting! Not really. I clicked onto and put on Just dance by disco Curtis. Aria laughed.

“Disco Curtis? You listen to them? I only like this song by them...”  She said. I laughed too; the whole James thing earlier was long forgotten. 

“Well I like most of their songs. I like The Things I Would Tell Her too.” I said. Disco Curtis was a good band; I didn’t like a lot of their songs though. I played a bunch of rock music and Aria floated around the room because she was bored. I clicked a familiar song and she started laughing.

“La Bamba? Richie Valens?” She asked.

“Yup, my dad showed it to me when I was little-er.” I said smiling. I clicked the music off when the song was done I glanced at the clock it was only 11:00 pm. I figured it was a decent bedtime. I closed the computer. “Well I can’t remember what the hell I did yesterday but I feel like I was just beaten to a pulp then dipped in a make-up pool to cover it up.” I said to her, it was the truth, I hurt all over and I was exhausted from having changed when I hadn’t changed in like 2 days. I curled into bed and pulled the covers tightly around me. In minutes, I was in a deep dreamless sleep.


     I woke up to someone poking me in the shoulder. I tried to ignore it but then whoever it was started shoving my shoulder. I stretched, yawned and opened my eyes to find this hideous demon thing, probably a Wyvern, a reptile dragon thing with two feet. I pressed myself flat against the bed and risked peeking over to see Aria still asleep. I focused my powers on sending her this thought wake up but whatever you do don’t freak out. I warned her. She immediately woke up and let out a shriek, causing the thing to start flapping its wings. I sprang out of bed and got in a head lock, unfortunately I wasn’t heavy enough to stay in the ground, so I wrapped my legs around its long neck as well as my arms, trying to cut off its oxygen. Stupid to tall room. That was not a pleasant awakening. The damn thing’s skin was too thick. I could do more damage to this thing as a human so, fighting my instincts, I stayed human. Aria recovered and threw a ball of icky black magic at it, I was holding its head as still as I could, which wasn’t very still but it helped a little bit. I shrieked as it threw its head up, causing me to let go and slam into the wall. Pain burst from my shoulder causing me to gasp. I was mad immediately; I did not want to do this before breakfast. I had already had one encounter with this beep of a monster, they weren’t threatening but they were annoying. I pulled out a knife from under my bed and was about to get it when someone walked into the room followed by James. He looked like he regretted coming. I stopped, the person was the leader of the world council, and I glared at him. I was hungry, mad, and annoyed, and here he was setting Wyvern’s loose in my room. I just about threw the knife at him. He mumbled something then it disappeared.

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