Chapter Eighteen, Part One

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I stared at Justin and Dustin for what felt like forever.

“Well, I’ve gotten rid of them once, I can do it again.” I told them, they looked a little uncertain. “What aren’t you telling me?” I asked them. I melted back to human just because I felt like it. Like always, it took a few minutes to get back to being human. Well not being but getting used to the body. Dustin and Justin did the same, at the same time. They reminded me oddly of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum from Alice in Wonderland. I smiled to myself and continued on with our conversation. “What are you not telling me?” I asked them seriously, any humour wiped clean off my face.

“Well, we didn’t tell you the weirdest part.” Dustin said.

“They didn’t come for you or Aria or Lucifer or Blaise,” Justin started,

“They came saying something about making sure...” Words seemed to fail Dustin.

“Change was safe, what the hell?” Justin said/asked. I nodded my understanding and we shut up on the topic. It was a semi awkward silence.

“So, did you see Taylor Lautner’s abs in Eclipse?” Dustin said.

“Pft! I got those and more, see?” Justin said, lifting up his shirt to reveal Taylor Lautner muscles.

“Yeah well I bet I got more armpit hair then you!” Dustin said, pulling his shirt off and looking at his armpit.

“No way! I’m sure I got more than you do!” Justin yelled in mock anger, pulling his shirt off and looking at his armpit. As weird as it is, I’ll admit, they have the same amount of armpit hair. Good god I have got to stop hanging out with these two morons. I smiled.

“Fine it’s a tie...” Dustin said, sounding defeated. Justin looked wicked for a moment.

“I know I got more chest hair, see?” Justin asked.

“You are so on!” Dustin yelled and then started furiously counting his chest hairs, beside Justin who just said random numbers, effectively making Dustin loose count. I laughed and watched as it went on for about an hour longer. They had gone through multiple competitions and were now lying on the grass, finally exhausted. I laughed as they couldn’t, for the life of them, think of a competition that they hadn’t done at some point or another.

“What time is it?” I asked them.

“6 O’clock!” They answered immediately together. I swear they shared a brain and let the world know how much they shared it.

“Thanks, what about a tree climbing contest?” I asked them. They thought about it for a minute then at the same time leaped up and tried jumping in to the nearest tree. They epically failed. “Do you guys not know how to climb trees?” I asked them.

“Never needed too so,” Justin started,

“We never tried.” Dustin finished.

“Here try jumping to get a hold of the lowest branch.” I told them, it was ten feet up so I used the trunk to help boost me up. I caught a hold of it easily. “Then pull yourself up on to the branch.” I said as I pulled myself up. “Then keep doing the same thing, it’s easy. Climbing trees used to be my life.” I told them honestly. I stepped down and landed neatly and quietly on my feet. I watched them try to climb a tree as the sun went down. I laughed and relaxed on a rock as Seth and Riley came in to the clearing. I don’t know why I was so shocked, I was officially a member of their pack, but since embracing myself as something other than a werewolf, I had not felt the need to change. I laughed quietly as that came to my head. I, the master of change, felt no need to change. It was ironic, really. I smiled brightly at Seth, he understood at once that I was wither in trouble, or genuinely happy for the first time in four years. Riley, however, had a look of murder on his face. He looked at me and how I was bubbling with happiness. He sighed and shook his head. I loved that, this. I loved how if someone is so mad they could kill you, all you have to do is exchange a quick look and you are instantly forgiven. A word is the language of the brain. Looks and things unspoken are that of the soul. It’s simple really. Well to me at least, it was a motto I was practically raised on.

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