Chapter Nine, Part One

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Of course, the boys were all hungry; they had just gotten back from running around and hadn’t bothered to eat anything.

“So what do you girls have to eat in here...?” One boy said as five of them raided the fridge, and a few more browsing the cupboards. I smiled, all boys were the same. I walked over to the fridge and used the counter beside it as a stool. Standing on the counter, I reached onto the top of the fridge and tossed down a jumbo bag of skittles and Doritos that I had hidden earlier. All the good food was hidden from the boys, or at least some of it was.

“Taste the freaking rainbow...” I muttered as I jumped to the carpeted floor noiselessly. I heard exclamations of happiness; they had already eaten their junk food limit of the month and were on candy deprivation. I laughed; they acted like wolf cub brothers. I hoped that soon I could become one of their sisters. That was my goal of joining the pack. I practically ran back to the couches and got my favourite one, off to the side, but still visible and you can still see the TV. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. The atmosphere in the room was a little tense because I was a girl, but that was fairly easy to get passed, most packs adjust to new members really easily so in the ten minutes I had been in the pack, I had been accepted as a member and as a friend. I heard the door to the dorm open and saw Seth walk in, I smiled at him and so did the kid named Eric. Seth smiled, shook his head and went to sit beside me. He elbowed me as he sat down and whispered,


“Of course! Have you ever gone more than a week without a pack? I don’t think so.” I said smiling evilly. He smiled back and laughed. We all settled down and watched the first movie I came to; The Twilight Saga, New Moon. It was one of my favourites. Some of the boys groaned but I told them to be quiet. By the end, they all ended up liking it, and wondering what could happen next. I sat there smiling at the irony; those werewolves were so not following the rules of real werewolves. I mean, I’m completely team Jacob, Of course! I mean, who in their right mind would date some smelly, sparkly cold, dead, bloodsucking, vampire?! There is so much wrong, not to mention that Edward is like 100 years older than Bella and he stalks her and forces her to be with him, and causes her so much pain for himself. The dude should get a life. Vampires and werewolves are not natural enemies. I mean just get over whatever your ancestors did and get on living your own life, like the Seth kid, he’s friends with a vampire, he got over some fight that happened a million years ago. But Edward, in some ways is better than Jacob, I have to admit. He cares about Bella’s safety, and loves her a lot, but that’s where it ends. I glanced at the clock, it was 8:30. People would start to get up in about a half an hour. I heard footsteps in the hallway and I got up and opened the door before he got a chance to knock. He stood in the doorway, tall, handsome and glowing, not literally, but almost. It looked like he was glowing with happiness. He smiled at me and I smiled back, going on to my toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. I wasn’t in to PDA that much, so holding hands, hugs, and a kiss on the cheek was as far as I’d go in public. Lucifer took my hand and we walked back to the couch. I sat down again with Seth on my left and Lucifer on my right. I saw Riley look over at Lucifer.

“Well, Sapphire, I see you’ve made some friends... Mind introducing me?” Lucifer asked me.

“Well, I only know a few of their names... That’s Riley, the alpha, Seth, my cousin, Ryan, and Eric, Ryan’s friend.” I said, gesturing to the people as I spoke. I kind of gave them a look as to introduce themselves.

“I’m Aiden” A boy with red hair, tan skin, and freckles said.

“I’m Josh” Said a boy with brown hair, pale skin, and big blue eyes.

“I’m Simon” A boy said quietly, nodding. He had dark brown hair and really dark blue eyes.

“I’m Samuel, but you can call me Sam.” A boy said, smiling so that his icy blue eyes crinkled. He had lightly tanned skin and messy jet black hair.

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