Chapter Eleven- A Royal Reception

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"I'm sure you've heard this a million times today but you look truly radiant" Ben said when they took their seats in their carriage , that would take them to the capital's building so the people could see their new king and queen.

"Thank you , you look handsome as well" she smiled at him.

"Not as beautiful as you my dear" he whispered into her ear .
Rey felt her face grow red and then he pressed a kiss upon under her ear.

"T-Thank you " she mumbled . Ben placed his hand on her thigh and then held it warmly.

They arrived at the location and he helped her out of their carriage , tightly grasping her waist as he brought her down.

She broke free of his grasp and they both walked to the tall statue that was of the fallen warriors of Naboo and Alderaan.

They both bowed at the tall statue , Rey then put her bouquet at the foot of the statue .

The priest then came and handed Ben one side of a red fabric and Rey the other. Together they tied a knot in the fabric then gently laid it on the statue next to her flowers.

The people around clapped at the couple and then Ben stood up and offered her a hand.

She held his and they walked past their subjects, the subjects threw rice and rose petals at them as they walked. Some of the people had candles and were waving them at the new King and Queen.

Ben helped her back in the carriage and then he entered himself. The people all shouted for her , yelling her name and wishing her s plentiful womb.

"They love you dear" Ben said .

"They're just excited for a new queen ... They love you as well" she nodded at him.

They made their way back to the palace for the reception . They got out of their carriage and he held her hand tightly.

"Ben are you okay?" She asked before they walked in the doors.

"I'm fine , why ?" He asked.

"You keep holding my hand tightly ... Are you feeling alright?" She then pressed her hand to his forehead . "You're rather warm... Perhaps you should sit down for a while and just cool off"

"Rey I'll be fine -"

"You're far to hot for my liking Ben , you could be sick if you don't just sit down and rest" she told him.

Ben nodded at her then she smiled her beautiful smile . She pressed a tender kiss on his cheek then held his hand again.


They sat down at their table as guests were dancing and having a grand time . "Ben ... Would you mind if I danced with my father?" She asked .

"Go ahead " he nodded at her . She smiled at him softly then walked over to her father .

Ben watched as she and her father began to dance on the floor . Her gown's train had been brought up to her arm so she wouldn't take up space with her gown.

Her father and he'd danced to the music together . The song was over and then Poe tapped on her shoulder and they began to dance with each other.

Man after man danced with his wife , since it was a tradition for every gentlemen to dance with the new queen.

After about two hours of dancing with various men , Ben walked over and took her hand from one . He had his hand lower than any of the men did and he held her closer and tighter as well, he was her husband after all.

"You're an excellent dancer Ben " she said to him , her hand of his shoulder in a soft way.

"When my father was out and my mother needed an escort I would accompany her at balls and she taught me to dance while we where there" he told her . Rey smiled brightly "what?"

"I like hearing stories of when you where younger ... It makes me feel like I've been here the whole time"

"Well , I'll tell you more... If you tell me some of you" he twirled her around the dance floor .

"Like?" She asked meeting his gaze.

"Who taught you to dance?" He asked .

"My father ... He would come in my room after a ball and I would step on his feet and he would dance around with me in my room ... Sometimes my nursemaid would come in and scold him for keeping me up so late"

Ben smiled at her and she smiled at him, he loved her bright smile , her beautiful happy joyful smile . True he couldn't wait till later in the evening when they would be in their bed , but right now he enjoyed dancing and talking with his new wife.


Ben and Rey had an gigantic cake , and Rey's hand grasped the knife and he held hers , engulfing it in his much larger one .

They cut a small piece of the cake and Rey grabbed a golden fork and put a piece of the cake on the fork . "Here" she said going to feed him .

He took a bite of the cake . "So do you like it?" She asked .

"Very much , here" he took the fork from her and fed her a small bite of the chocolate and fruit filled cake .

"Thank you... It's very sweet" she recalled as she wiped her mouth with a napkin .

"Like you my queen" he said and kissed her hand softly.

FUN FACT : in most royal British weddings the bride's bouquet it laid at the feet of the statue for the fallen or lost warriors , even Kate's bouquet was laid at the statue .

Also : in some cultures the bride and groom and tied together or tie a piece of fabric ... Literally tying the knot .


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