Chapter Twenty-Six- After The Ball

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Rey and Ben were in their room , getting ready for bed . "Ben ... May I ask you something ?" She asked turning her body on her bench in front of her vanity .

"Yes dear what is it?" He asked coming to sit on the foot of the bed so he could face her .

"Who was that woman you were dancing with ?" She asked running her hands through her now undone long waves .

"Oh" he said "she's an old friend ... Lady Georgia "

"She's awfully pretty" Rey said seeing what he would say next .

"She may be pretty but you are beautiful" he smiled at her .

"Ben ... I heard a rumor that you two were once more than friends"

"From who ?" He asked .

"Not important , is it true "

"Yes Rey" he said .

"Oh so you lied to me ?" She then stood up and walked to her dresser where her largest jewelry box out of the 5 she had was .

"I didn't lie to you Rey "

"Yes you did ... You told me that day when you looked in my eyes that you had never had relations with a woman ... And you clearly where with her"

"So I lied before we were married , you and Poe talked bad about me behind my back all the time !"

"No ! He did ! I defend you ! "

"That's rich Rey " he rolled his eyes .

"It's true !" She says and folds her arms over her chest . "He made comments on your strange looks and large nose ! He even said to be mindful of your nose !"

"And what did you say ? Nothing huh -"

"I said that you were handsome ! Strangely handsome , not once did I insult you ... And may I remind you that you're the one who gave me bruises on my wrists !"

"Well you smacked me across the face in front of my mother !"

"You said that I had every right to do so !" Rey yelled at him.

"Oh here we go again with little miss know it all !"

"I beg your pardon!" She gasped .

"You always do this ! You act like you know every damn thing and it annoys the living hell out of me !" He shouted .

"I annoy the living hell out of you ! Have you met you ?!"

"What in the world are you talking about ?!" He snapped .

"You're so infuriating!" She shouted .

"How the hell am I infuriating?" He asked .

"You want to know how ?" She asked and he nodded his head . "Fine I'll tell you how you idiot ! In the morning while your in the shower you hum way off key of some stupid song !-"

"Do not !" He shouted back .

"Do to ! The dun , dun , dun , Dunn du Dunn one ! And then when you leave for work you never close the door all the way ! And then when we're at breakfast you always and I mean always move your fork against the plate and it makes the dumb little scrapie noise !" Rey closed her jewelry box with a snap .

"And you know what else you do Ben ? You always ! Always ! Always snore and you get so upset over silly stupid tiny things ! And when we're having sex you always tell me to sleep afterwards ! You never just want to hold me and talk ! You want me to shut up ! And you kiss my neck not for my pleasure but because you like when people see the marks on my neck ! You act like you own me !"

"How do I act like I own you your majesty ?" He scoffed .

"You push me behind you ! You speak for me all the damned time ! And you never tell me what's going on in our kingdom ! You don't let me speak to other men expect Poe and your father and Luke ! You won't even allow Hux to tell me that Leia wants to see me ! You act like some child who doesn't want to share his got and its disgusting !"

"I act likes that because I'm your husband !You're my wife ! You look up to me ! I have the final say so in everything !"

"You have the finals say so ?"

"Yes ! I have the final say so with you and all your annoying little habits !"

"I don't have any annoying habits !"

"The hell you do !" He shouted " you hog all the blankets ! You leave your hairpins everywhere ! The second anyone talks about you having the slightest possibility of you being pregnant you cut them off ! You cut off me ! Poe , my father my uncle and my mother ! That's so rude !"

"Because if I were pregnant I would have told them ! And for the last time I'm not pregnant!"

"Good ! Because our child would be just like you ! Judgmental and bossy ! You try and control everything ! You act like you know everything and act like everyone is at your beck and call!"

"I do not !"

"Yes you do ! I was stuck with you ! I was going to have a life with Georgia ! We were going to have children and get married and she would have been my queen !"

Rey felt tears bubble in her eyes , she choked them back "with what child ? She clearly couldn't carry one ! "

"How the hell do you know that ?"

"It doesn't matter !" She shouted .

"Yes it does ! As your husband tell me who told you know!"

"I don't have to tell you anything! You're not the boss of me ! You don't own me !"

" Yes I do ! I own you Reyhanne ! I own your entire life! I am your husband ! I am the king ! I'm higher than you in every way ! You look up to me maker damnit ! I own you !"

"You're a liar and a monster and I don't want to spend another moment fighting with you !" She screamed .

"Good ! Maybe you'll finally understand who's the boss in this relationship !"

"I hate you !" She cried and fell on the floor .

Ben walked out of the room and slammed the door . She grabbed the closest thing to her which was a glass cup and threw it at the door . It broke all around her .

She looked at her now bloody hands and began to cry harder .

I was gonna make this into hate smut but then I kinda went at it ! Also my boyfriend does all the annoying things Ben does and I do all the annoying things Rey does ... But whenever we fight we end up making out or playing rock paper scissor to see who won the fight ! Okay bye !

 But whenever we fight we end up making out or playing rock paper scissor to see who won the fight ! Okay bye !

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