Chapter Sixteen- I Dreamed Of A Woman (Warning)

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Rey wasn't at dinner that night , actually she wasn't out of her room at all

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Rey wasn't at dinner that night , actually she wasn't out of her room at all.

He had greatly insulted her , talked of their bed in front of others ... He called her stupid ... "That ... That rotten no good nerf herding half witted , Bantha dung poorly drawn scruffy haired stupid King !" She shouted .

"Reyhanne child ? What happened" Maz asked as she brushed Rey's hair .

"That stupid husband of mine that I had no choice over actually thought of bringing along a Harlot and he talked to the public of our bed ! He called me stupid too!"

"Oh dear" Maz began to braid her hair into two longs braids. "You should rest darling ... I'll see you in the morning... Please try and be be civil with your husband" Maz said and walked out.

Rey looked at herself in the mirror and began to play with her wedding ring. It was far to large for her small finger .

She grabbed her jewelry box and unlocked it with the hidden key . She put in her wedding and queen ring as well as her earnings and locket.

She locked it then gathered some lotion into her hands. She rubbed the lotion in under her eyes , with her eyes shut tight.

She suddenly felt something heavy fall on her chest. She looked in the mirror and saw Ben and a giant ruby necklace and black trimmings .

"What's this " class she asked .

"An I'm sorry present " he replied .
"It was my grandmother's , she never wore it since it was far to similar to a dark side lightsaber "

"It's beautiful " she noticed it's dark red ruby.

"I'm sorry for my behavior today Rey... I didn't mean to offend or hurt your feelings"

"Thank you Ben ... And I'm sorry for overreacting... I suppose I was just jealous"

"Why would you be jealous ?" He asked .

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