Chapter Two- You're His Favorite Nephew

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"Marriage!" He yelled slamming his hands on the table that his mother was seated at.

"Now B-"the older woman began, she was probably the ideal mother , but not to him.

"That is not my name!" He screamed louder. "You can not do this to me! I am the king of-"

"No you are not" she sat up a little straighter "just because I go by General does not mean you are king... I am queen and you are to listen to me and do as I say as your ruler young man!"

"I'm not a child mother" he scoffed, gripping the back of his chair tightly.

"I never said you were... I said you still have to obey under my law young man..." She gave him a look that he was quite familiar with.

"I'm a 25 year old man mother! I don't have to listen to you like that" he then sunk in his chair slightly "but I am" he crossed his arms.

"See , it's not so bad ... You'll get married and you'll be become king, with the princess of Jakku at your side" she smiled taking a sip of her tea.

"A princess?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What did you expect a flying monkey?" She snickered.

"No it's just ... Princess tend to be young ... I was under the assumption that she was a governor's daughter or such... Most princess are married when they're 20" he sighed not wanting to he married to such a younger woman.

"She's not 20-"

"Oh good" he let out a breath of relief.

"She's 19" Leia sipped her tea, as if it was no big deal.

"What?!" He asked jumping back up again. "It's official ! I take the flying monkey!"

"Dear," she began "she is from Jakku , they are strong in many fine metals and salt mines ... They have an treaty with the Resistance and we have one with the First Order ... When you two marry you will be brining Naboo, the Alderan people and Jakku together ... We will all be safe from the resistance and the first order"

"I don't see why I couldn't marry a governor's daughter" he sighed .

"I know but she apparently is very smart and much beyond her years ... And Master Luke believes she has some of the force in her... More than I ever had ... More than my mother ever did ... More than my father had ... More than Luke and almost as much as you" she ran her fingers through his long black locks.


"Hush now dear ... It's you're duty ... And if you ever want to see the crown you will do as I say ... Understood ?"

"I understand" he sighed and then she kissed his cheek .

"Good dear ... Now I have some work to do as do you ..." She walked out of the room , her deep blue gown following behind her.


"Poe !" Rey shrieked .

He turned his head and smiled "what's up ?" He asked her , wiping the oil off his hands .

"Father is marrying me off" she sighed taking a seat on the box of parts.

"Your father knows what he's doing" he reminded her .

"Talk to him ! Please ! You're his favorite nephew!" She pulled on his arm .

"I'm his only nephew ... And besides Rey ... You marrying some dude is the least of my problems ... And this could be good for you kid" he smiled as he gathered more tools.

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