Curious Alice Chapter 3

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* Alice's point of view*

"Speaking of Margaret and Lowell. You hadn't found anyone, besides your Tarrant. No one will ever be like your Tarrant, such kind hearted and caring and loving. You must go back to Wonderland."

My mind raced, repeating all of this. Sure. My thoughts were right. I hadn't found anyone like Tarrant before. I guess I had been in love with him for quite some time. I hadn't really thought about Wonderland nor anyone living there for three long years. Now that my mother, the last one here in the real world who even cared about me, is taken away from me.

"Time is a..."

I stopped my thoughts from saying it. No. Time's no thief. He is just doing his job. I can't blame him. After all, Helen lived a decent life. Whatever. I covered my face to cry a little more.


A voice called. Yes, yes it was a familiar voice. I look up and see a butterfly on mother's stone. It sat there, it was a blue butterfly with black stripes. Absolem.

"It's been three years." He said, flapping his wings slowly.

"I know." I reply, giving a soft breath.

"I see you're in great need, Alice." Absolem said as he flapped his wings faster and flew in the air.

"Wait for me." I called as I quickly ran after him.

Absolem flies to an opening, a little house stood in the center of the clearing. The door opens, and inside was a black hole. Absolem flew into it and the door closed behind him. The black hole didn't seem to pull anyone in, only if one willingly flew into it. I opened the door. The black hole stood there. I stared at it for a good minute, and being the curious person I had been, I went into it.

••• on the other side... •••

I came through. As I half expected it to be, it was none other, than Wonderland itself. I stood there in complete shock. Absolem flew up to me again,

"They're aware of your tragic event. They're your company now, my dear Alice." He said, and before I can ask any questions, Absolem flew off again.

I look around. Wonderland looked ten times more beautiful than what I last recalled. Everything seemed in place, perfectly. I stood there, looking around in amazement for a period of time. Then I started walking to a busy town.
A sign read, "Welcome to Witzend!"

I smiled. My face beamed as I looked towards the town, and quickly ran into it. I knew this is where my friends had been... Even Tarrant. My secret love.
I looked all around for a period of some time again, and look up. There was the Hatter house. My face flushed with so much excitement.

"Alice." Another familiar voice called from my right. I look to my right and gasp. Mirana and Tarrant stood just feet in front of myself. I ran up to them and hug both of them as tight as I could. They both smiled. Tarrant showing his tooth gap when he smiled, a big and warm smile came upon his face. He wore his hat, his jacket, sash and vest. He wore stripped pants, and some workers boots. He had a bandage around his finger and a thimble. His red hair frizzed up as always.
As for Mirana, she wore the usual White dress, crown and black lipstick.

Once I let go, they both frown.

"We were made fully aware of your tragic event, Alice. We're so sorry." Mirana said, looking down and frowning.

I felt myself start to cry again, I tried to hold it in, but I felt Tarrant wrap his arms around me,

"Alice, don't hold them in. That's unhealthy. Please let them out as I hold you close." He whispers sympathetically into my ear. Hearing him comfort me quietly made me cry. I did so into his jacket. After maybe five minutes, I regain myself and stop crying.

"My dear, sweet Alice, you can come stay at my house." Tarrant smiled at I, "In fact, you can call Wonderland your new home now."

I didn't know what to say. This was going to be a huge change, and I hadn't asked Margaret if I should do this or not, then again, she'd probably say, "You're insane if you think wonderland is real." And I hadn't packed anything and... Oh, why not just agree to do this. I need to start over everything.

"Okay! Yes! Yes Tarrant!" I smile widely. Tarrant smiled with me.

"You know what might cheer her up?" Mirana asked Tarrant with a smile,

"Tea party!" Tarrant gave a smile to Mirana and I. Mirana nods happily.

"Come on, Alice. Let's go to the tea party." He whispers. I nod happily,

"I wouldn't miss your tea parties, they make me feel right at home." I smile wide, "Hey, remember when I came to the tea party when I was younger? And I made Hare lose his wits?"

"His wits have been gone for a long, long time." Tarrant said as he laughed.

"Will you be telling anymore riddles while we are at the tea party?" I ask, smiling and closing my eyes. Hearing his riddles always made me happier.

"Why not!?" He asked in a happy, bonkers way.

"Have you any idea why a Raven is like a writing desk? I use that one all the time." I said, happily.

"You remember that one!" Tarrant smiled widely.

"Of course! Now..." I said as the three walked to the table. "Would you like me to make the tea for you today, Tarrant?"

"Sure! Whichever one you'd like!" Tarrant says as he sits down at his normal seat. Mirana sitting a few seats down from him.

"Are you sure any kind of tea will do?" I ask as I look at the assortments of tea bags he had out. It was a large assortment of all different kinds of tea.

"Yes! Any will do." Tarrant said in more of a bonkers manner. I smile as I look back at him and Mirana. I grab three kinds of tea bags, and start heating up some water in his house.
Tarrant never minded me stepping in his house, as long as I didn't do anything bad. I grabbed the tea pot as the water boils, and grab three tea cups and I walk outside. I sit down next to Tarrant. Him and Mirana look at me and smile wide. Tarrant pours us all some tea, the tea cup high in the air.

"So, Mirana. How has Iracebeth been?" I asked. Mirana put her tea cup down, but Tarrant kept drinking. He looked at Mirana too.

"Oh... About her..." She said, giving me a serious face.

To be continued...

Alright, so I'm going to add more to this chapter so be patient!! I know at times it isn't descriptive but I'm getting tired and got no sleep, I'll be adding more to this when I get some sleep!

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