Curious Alice - Chapter 23

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"That, sounds wonderlandiful." I say, looking up at her with a big smile. Exploring around Wonderland has been even my dream since I was younger. Sure I've been to Mamoreal and Crims, but that was because
1. I was taken by the queen of Crims and nearly beheaded once
2. I had to go to Mamoreal to tell Mirana, the queen, that Alice and I had been in trouble.

Therefore, leaving me no time to actually, you know, explore willingly. Every part of those locations were just a blur, anyways.

"What time tonight would you want to go? Certainly we must be getting ready." I ask, looking up at Alice with my eyes glimmering at her.

"Just when the sun sets, Tarrant." She said, turning around. As she turned, she grins at me. I stood up from the couch and ease my way up to her and put my arms around her. She kept looking back at me, she gave a little sigh.

"I'll start getting ready." I say, in rather a calm voice. I kiss her head and let go of her. As I walk away, she grabbed onto my hand and pulled me back. Just to kiss my cheek and whisper:

"Hatter, you're my love. I love you."

Yes. What she said was adorable to me, and made my pale face blush a bit.

"I love you too." I replied

// School starts for me this morning. I'm gonna be quite busy but I'll update as best as I can!

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