Curious Alice - Chapter 26

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As soon as I got that thought, voila, I trip on a tree stump. Great! Alice was running past me and hadn't realized I fell, yet here I lay, beginning to cry, I hear the jogging footsteps come closer to me. I turn around and see Stayne hovering just over me. I scream, so loud to the point I sometimes believe that all of Wonderland had heard me. I heard Alice stop and turn around, then give a loud gasp.

"Well, well, well. Hello, Hatter." Stayne said, beginning to pick me up by my sash and bought me up to his face. "What are you doing here?"

Stayne checks his clock watch, which he pulls out of his pocket, and looks back at me.

"It's not even four in the morning. And here you are, in Crims where you do not belong." Stayne said, he noticed Alice running towards us in the distance. "Oh! Look what else we have here."

Alice stopped in her tracks as soon as Stayne said that.

"Alice Kingsleigh and Tarrant Hightopp. Well, well." He said, suspiciously.

"Listen, sir. We weren't here to do anything bad. We were just heading home, now please..." Alice said, interrupted by Stayne by putting his hand up.

"I believe you were trespassing on Royal property." He said, closing his eye.

"We aren't even near the castle!!" Alice said.

She was right. The castle was way too far off to even consider us trespassing on Royal property.

"But you are in Crims. And all of Crims is of Royal property. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you to the queen..." Stayne said, before being interrupted by Alice.

"No, no, no. Please Stayne, Hatter and I promise we won't come back, we pro-" Alice said, before being cut off one more time.

"Uh uh, I think Iracebeth gave you a warning the first time by nearly beheading Tarrant." Stayne said, then picking Alice up.

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