Curious Alice - Chapter 27

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"Now, do not say anything. Let's bring you to the queen, and see what she has to say about this." Stayne said

"Ugh. We know what the bloody woman has to say, let me guess. 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!'?" Alice yelled.

"Look. I understand she has anger issues, but I'm bringing you to her anyway." Stayne said.

"Oh, please Stayne. You must understand... Let us go. Just this one time. I swear to the gods of Underland... We won't come back." Alice begged, tears swell in her eyes.

"Look, just stay still. I will think about it. Just stay there, when we pull up to the castle, I'll think about what to do with you and the moron." Stayne said.

"Who are you calling a moron? Just because Hatter's reality is different from yours, doesn't make him a moron." Alice said

"Whatever." Stayne said, continuing to drag us to the castle. After a long while of being literally forcefully dragged to the castle of Crims, Stayne drops us.

"Run. Get out of here." Stayne said "No questions or statements, just get out. I'm feeling nice today, so just go. But I'm telling Iracebeth about this."

"Thank you. So much, Stayne." Alice and I tell back as we run as fast as we could to get out of there.

I think this is the last time we will explore. Around Crims, at least.

= Spoilers? =
Alright, so that was short but I promise you, read book two when it comes, and there will be a continuation of this part where Iracebeth does something ;)

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