Curious Alice - Chapter 5

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"Do you think we have enough of that though?" I ask Mirana. She thought to herself for a minute.
"More than enough." She soon said, before getting up. "Come with me."
"To where?" I ask, as I stood up quickly.
"My castle. I have something that might help you." Mirana said, "Hatter, come with us. You're going to help Alice find your sister."
Hatter stood up, almost happily as if he'd been excited that he'd be going with me. He smiled. Mirana turned around quickly, yet gracefully, and she began walking to her castle. Once we get inside the castle, Mirana walks up to one of her guards. The guard takes a sword out of a special casing. Mirana takes it carefully, and bows slightly, the guard bowing back. She walking up to Hatter and I with it. It was the same sword I used for slaying the Jabberwocky.
"Here it is." She said. "In case her army chases after you or whatever."
"Thank you, Mirana." I smile as I take it carefully. Tarrant smiled at me as I grabbed it. I look at Tarrant and smile at him shyly.
Yes yes. Seeing Tarrant smile made me absolutely happy, however, I didn't know how I could tell him. He was so gentle, sweet, caring. However I didn't know if he'd be too into me. Seeing, I couldn't have been his type. I've known him since I was, what? Nine? He probably knew me only as a friend, not much of anything else. My heart sank at this thought.
"Better start heading out now. Hatter, Alice. I wish you both the best of luck." Mirana said, bowing at the both of us. Respectfully, we bow back.
Without saying much of anything else, Tarrant and I speed walk out of Mirana's castle and headed to Iracebeth's castle. It had been a severely long walk. We hadn't seen any of Hatter's friends along the way -- not Mally, not the Tweedle brothers. Not even the White Rabbit.
I thought nothing of it. The only thing on my mind:
Save Tarrant's sister, make my secret love happy again.
I mean, after all, seeing him happy made me feel happy.
We had been silent as we walked, said next to nothing on the way to her castle. I'd say, after 30 or so minutes, so it felt, Tarrant spoke up,
"They took her -- from my own arms. They will pay. We will slay them. Right in front of the red queen."

"Her army?" I ask as I look at him while we walked.

"Of course. Her... Wretched army. What curse has she put me under to make me have such... Horrid luck?" He asks, I could hear the agony in his voice clearly.

"It's okay, Hatter. We'll save your sister. She'll make it out alive." I told him. By this point, I could see the Red Queen's castle in the distance. I could tell Hatter saw it too, because I heard him mumble,

"Here, this way."

And we start running, as fast as we could.

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