Curious Alice - Chapter 19

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"Emmi?" He asked, then looking back up at Alice and I.
"Tarrant!?" He asked hugging Emmi and I. He looked at Alice. "I suppose you're Alice?"
Alice nodded. Zanik smiled,
"It's so nice to meet you." Zanik smiled and held his arm out and shook Alice's hand. He looked back at me,
"Tarrant, I haven't seen you in three years!" Zanik smiled.
"I know, father. I've missed you." I said, hugging him.
"Come in, the three of you. Come on in!" Zanik smiled as he opened the door completely and let us both in.
We both stepped inside. It was just how I remembered it. Just like how it was from my childhood.
"Wow..." I say, under my breath.
"Remember the old place?" Zanik asked with a smile as he pat me on the back.
"It's... Just how I remember it." I say, looking around. I sit down on the little couch we had.
"Are you sure it's okay for us to stay here?" Alice asks
"It's perfectly fine!" Zanik smiled at her. Emmi walks back upstairs quietly with all my other siblings. Alice sat next to me and held my hand and leaned her head into my shoulder gently.
"I see you two get along well." Zanik laughed politely. Alice smiled.
"Yes, sir." Alice said
"Oh, you can call me Zanik." Father smiled.
"I'll show you two to your rooms later, or whenever."

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