Curious Alice - Chapter 28

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About two years past since the incident. Two years past since we could've been beheaded, but were surprisingly let go by one of the most cruel hearted beings in the world. I feel so grateful that that we truly weren't beheaded because of something we didn't really do.

Alice and I were still happily together. Yes, we had our ups and downs, but like most relationships, we managed to get through the downs and pull each other up. Sure we fought about small things, but again. We got through it. As expected, we never hurt each other on purpose. At all, as a matter of fact.

I had woken up to realize Alice wasn't in bed; obviously meaning she was already awake. I had been feeling very positive about where our relationship had been heading. The first thought I had when I woke up:

To propose.

I mean, I was already with her for two years now, and neither of us definitely were not looking to breaking up, in fact, we'd been going the opposite. We wanted to stay with each other. I loved her more than anything, as she loved me the same way. I sat up after I had that thought and began stretching. Afterwards, I stood and put my jacket on and began wandering out of my room. I decided to go to Mirana for help and advice. Once I make my way downstairs, I noticed Alice and my family sitting at the table, father cleaning up dishes.

"Tarrant!" Mother and Emmi said in sync. Brother looked at me with a smile, and father nodded and smiled at me. Alice stood and hugged me. I smile, and reply to her hug with a hug as well.

"I'll be back." I say, without greeting. I was too concentrated on my previous task at hand to even realize I had done that. "I'm going to visit a friend... Mirana, actually. I need to talk to her about the next tea party. It's important."

As expected, mother and father allow me. Alice didn't seem to mind, and luckily, she decided to stay back and help father with the dishes they had used before I had woken up. This was good, since, obviously, I don't want Alice to know I'm proposing to her, not yet. My short journey to Marmoreal began. I smiled the entire way there, thinking about my future if everything went as planned. I went past the towns market and made my way out of witzend and eventually made my way to Marmoreal. Her castle in the distance, I ran. I ran towards it.

Guessing Mirana must've been outside and had seen me, because the gates open as I came closer. Her castle doors open as well. I run in without hesitation. Mirana stood from her throne and ran towards me.

"Hatter? Hi! What's the matter?" Mirana asks, we stop just in front of each other.

"I need to talk to you. It's about my relationship with Alice." I reply with a smile, in between my smile, I was breathing heavy due to running fast.

"Yes? Yes, yes. Tell me, what do you need? Come with me. To a private room." Mirana said, turning around and beginning to walk. As we both walked to the room, Mirana turns her head slightly towards me.

"So. Hatter. What's going on?" She asks as we step inside the room.

"We've been, ah, dating for two years now." I say as she sits at a table. She gestured for me to sit across from her. I do so.

"Yes, I'm aware." Mirana said, with a polite smile.

"We both love each other a lot... I think... No, I know that we always want to be with each other. I was wondering if you can help me? I want to propose to her." I say, my cheeks getting red at saying the last line. I fiddle with my fingers as I say this all.

Mirana grinned widely.

"Of course! Look. I actually got this from a close friend of mine, it was her family's, and she didn't want it anymore. Here." Mirana said, holding out a beautiful diamond engagement ring.

"A-a-are you sure?" I ask, slightly putting my hands out.

"Of course, this is for something very important! I need you to take this." Mirana insisted as she held the ring out further to me. I took it gently, shaking.

"Mirana... Thank you." I say, my voice clearly shaking.

"Here's an idea. I can help you some more." Mirana said, leaning into me and whispering.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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