Curious Alice - Chapter 25

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Two hours passed pretty quickly. Once the two hours were up, as if timing it so well, Alice came knocking at my bedroom door and opened it.

"Are you ready to go yet?" She smiled.

"Couldn't be anymore ready." I said, after finally getting my workers boots on and standing up straight. I knew my parents wouldn't mind if we went out, but I decided to ask them earlier to make sure. My assumption was made true; they wouldn't have minded. We began walking out the door; and our "exploration" began.

Our route was to explore all of Witzend, Mamoreal and Crims in one night. Like Alice taught me, nothing is impossible. We might as well try.

Being the two crazy people we had been, we both tried to scare each other. When we weren't scaring each other, we both were getting scared together at every little noise we heard. Looking back at this moment, I recall having so much fun with her. Up until the moment we stepped foot into Crims.

I knew it'd be a horrible idea. Alice and I's past in Crims was bad, and I could tell Alice was just as nervous as I was to step foot there. I was just about to tell her to turn around and leave with me, but we heard a noise. Not one of those unexplained noises, it was definitely a noise that could be explained. It sounded like a man running, jogging at the very least, towards Alice and I.

"Run!" I Yelp to Alice, I might have screamed, but I don't quite recall. I just remember Alice and I running quickly, and as we ran, I remember getting a sudden thought,

"Don't, whatever you do, do NOT trip on any tree stumps."

Since, there were billions of tree stumps at least, no exaggeration.

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