Curious Alice - Chapter 7 + 8

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Two chapters in one. Enjoy!

The three of us look behind Hatter and I. It was none other than Iracebeth, the Red Queen. Hatter's sister hid behind me.
"I see you two are tying to take my, little friend." She said, coming close to us, her eyes staying in contact with ours, not breaking contact.
"I can explain -" I say before being cut off.
"Do not speak unless spoken to!" She said, turning around and screaming, "Off with their heads!"
And she emphasized the word "Heads". Almost instantly, her army of red cards came marching in. They came marching after us. As so, Hatter screams.
"What do we do?" He yelled. Immediately, I pulled the sword out of its little casing.
"Stand back!" I yelled, running up to the army and instantly, I try killing them. After what seemed to be an hour, I succeed in killing them. I will spare the details on the attack. Once I killed them, the Red Queen starts screaming.
"Come with me!" I yell at Hatter and his sister. I run out and they follow me. We run down flights of stairs, and hide by a corner where we wouldn't be seen. Just until we know the Queen and her army are gone.
"Alice..." Hatter whispered
"Yes?" I whisper
"I want to tell you something..." He said
"Go ahead." I say
"I... I really like..." Hatter said before being cut off. The Queen comes around the corner, and points her staff in our direction and starts screaming.
"Off with their heads!!" She screamed. More guards came running after us. Of course, I try killing them, however, there were too many. One grabs onto me tightly to where I couldn't move or break free. I screamed for help. Tarrant tried throwing his hat in order to help me, it hit the card in the head but he didn't flinch. More guards grab Tarrant and his sister. We were carried away and put outside into a carriage where we were soon being rolled away.
After a long, long while, Chess appears in the carriage.
"It seems as though you three are in a bad situation." He whispered.
"You think?!" Tarrant whispered, obviously scared.
"I think I can help with this..." He whispered. "But I'd need you three to hold hands."
We all look at each other, then Tarrant grabs mine and his sisters hand.
Chess grabs our hands as well, and we all disappear from the carriage. Then, suddenly, reappear in Mirana's castle.
"Now what do we do?" Tarrant's sister asked.
We then see Mirana run out of her castle, and up to us.
"You all must run. Run back to the Hatter house, and stay there. Iracebeth is coming, stay there. I'll take care of her." She said in a hurry.
"But..." I said, again, being cut off.
"Hurry. Go now, no time for explaining." Mirana said. "I will explain later."
All three of us nod and start running. Once we get far from the White Queen's castle, we start walking normally.
"I wonder what Mirana and Iracebeth are doing though..." I said, under my breath.
"I don't know... Whatever it is, it won't be good." Tarrant said.
Once we see Tarrant's house, we start running to it, and go through the door, quickly.

To be continued.

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