Dude, Captain America Needs Our Help

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*I do not own any of Marvel's dialogue or any Marvel characters. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*

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     "OW! Shit Ava that hurt!" Sam exclaimed as I flipped him over my shoulder and position myself to his right as he pushes himself back to his feet.

"Come on Sammy grandma can fight better than you." We were currently at the gym sparring with each other and like I predicted I was beating him.

"Not cool" he groans and charges towards me. When he gets close enough I turn and square my shoulders and put out my legs strengthening my stance as I grab his fist and twist him around before forcing him to the ground. I sit on his back eliciting a groan from him.

"What are you eating Ava?" He turns his head to the side. "You're so heavy."

He pants out and breaks his other arm free and grips my leg pushing me off him. I stumble trying to catch my balance as he advances on me. He throws a punch and I block it and return my own. He grips my arm and twisting his body pulling me with him knocking me off my feet. He bends his legs and slams me to the ground. The wind is knocked out of me when I hit the ground. White hot pain splits down my spine. I gasp for breathe painfully shuddering. As he registers the look on my face it changes from a smug smirk to a regretful sorrow expression.

"Aves I'm so sorry, I forgot," he lightly puts his arms around my back helping me to an upright position. I whimper at the extreme discomfort and he freezes.

"I'm so, so sorry Aves. God I'm so sorry." He stutters. I shake my head trying to rid myself of my blurry tear-filled vision. His frown deepens and he tries harder to apologize.

"It's ok Sammy." I grimace moving slightly. He maneuvers me to stand. I try to stand on my own before pain blossoms at the bottom of my spine and traveling back up towards my shoulder. I sob out as I lose balance and falling into Sam. By now I've caught the attention of the whole gym.

"Is she ok?" The question is directed towards Sam who nods slightly, not all convinced himself. The pain continues to rack up and down my back causing more pained noises from throat. Sam assured the person one more time before pulling my feet from under me cradling my sobbing self to him.

"Come on Aves" Sam whispers walking carefully to his car. He carefully sets me in the back seat and going back to grab our stuff. By the time he's back the pain has started to dull slightly, making me able to sit up. I buckle my seat belt bumping my shoulder against the car door. I hiss pausing in my actions. I let the pain pass before sighing. I leaned my head back slowly against the seat feeling fatigue wash over me.

Sam returns and stuffs our belongings in the trunk and quickly walks to the driver sides of the car. He gets in checking on me before pulling away from the gym heading back home.

"I knew fighting was a bad idea" he scolds himself.

"It's ok Sam" I grumble out not liking how helpless I was not even thirty seconds ago.

"No it's not I cause that Aves, it's not ok," he speaks again. "God I am so, so sorry Ava. You have to believe me."

"It's not your fault, now shut up and bring me home." I cut him off from speaking again.

He sighs and turns his full attention back  to driving.

He continues to drive before taking a different turn than we take to go home.

"What are you doing? This isn't the right turn." I speak up glancing around.

"Yes it is. I'm taking you to the hospital." He answers turning the wheel again.

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