But I Couldn't Save His - Steve

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* I do not own any Marvel characters or any Marvel dialogue, all rights go to their rightful owners. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*


    The Winter Soldier hardly ever had flashbacks, and if he did he tried his hardest not to show it. Whenever he did slip up however, was the most painful things he could remember about HYDRA, about his whole life really.

    He was in his usual routine after a mission. Come back, be assessed for damage to his metal prosthetic and then be wiped and put back in cryo-freeze, or be wiped and sent on another mission, but he never remembered those times.

   He kept getting flashes of the man on the bridge, only he was smaller and obviously weaker. He could recall a hazy flash of how he came to acquire the metal limb. The Winter Soldier didn't understand why he kept getting these images, or what did they call it? Memories, He couldn't always recall different words. It was just something about that man that seemed so familiar to him.

   The flashes kept coming, but stronger and more frequent and they started to hurt more. He had a throbbing pain in the back of his skull, like something wanted to break free, but what could only be described as an electric buzz kept it at bay and just out of his reach.

   It was driving him crazy, more agitated by the second and that he couldn't hide. The room where he sat, lined with multiple drawers and guards and scientists, became more tense. His face screwed up at the pain in his head. He was angry and only the guards noticed. They were fidgeting in their stances and they were clutching their weapons tighter.

   Just as the Winter Soldier couldn't take it anymore, a scientist bent down to exam his arm once more. In pure rage the soldier grabbed the scientist by the scruff of his lab coat and threw across the room, making him land against a number of the drawers lining the walls.

   It was a reflex, the guards now had all their weapons pointed at him, ready to shoot and on high alert for another tantrum from him.

    It seemed like hours before you could hear doors slamming and multiple footsteps approaching the room. A man in a grey suit entered with several more guards and was then stopped by a scientist.

   "Sir, he's unstable...erratic." He stumbled to inform the man. The soldier's gaze never left the ground as he seethed in anger. He didn't know where he was, and he couldn't figure out who he was. He wanted to leave.

    The man spared a glance at the scientist before continuing on to the Winter Soldier. He stood in front of him staring at him with cold eyes.

   "Mission report." He demanded not wasting any of his energy to say anything else to the soldier.

  The soldier stares ahead blankly and cold, not answering the man who currently stood in front of him. "Mission report, now!"

   He was getting another memory when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his left cheek snapping his head to the side. The man had struck him.

   "The man on the bridge," the soldier could remember him clearly, he didn't get that often. "Who was he?" He questions.

   "You met him earlier this week on another assignment." The man replies nonchalantly. The soldier can tell he's lying, there's more to it.

  "I knew him." He defies the dressed up man.

  The man sighs taking a seat in the chair where the now injured scientist had once sat. He rolled silently over to the Winter Soldier. He sighed again resting his head on his hands. He gave his attention completely to soldier as if he was about to convince him of something. He was.

   "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped this century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning, we're gonna give it a push. But if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves." He persuaded. The man hoped for the Winter Soldier to drop the topic about Captain America and just follow orders, as he did so easily many years before.

   "But I knew him." This time the soldier couldn't hide his emotions. He was happy that he could remember even this little amount about his life, so he smiled at the man.

   The man in the suit turned to the uninjured scientists. "Prep him."

    Just like that, the Winter Soldier's world stopped. "But he's been out of cryo-freeze too long."

   "Then wipe him and start over." The man sneered. The man left giving no more attention to the soldier.

   The weight of the situation at hand hit him once more. He was frantic. The soldier didn't fight, in HYDRA he learned that fighting against them got him nothing but pain, so that's why he didn't fight when they pushed him back on his chair. He didn't fight when they strapped him securely to the armrests. He didn't fight when they put a mouth guard in his mouth. He could see the man on the bridge again. He called him Bucky, who was Bucky? Did he know him?

   Just like that he could remember the man's name was Steve. He called him Bucky, but he couldn't remember who Bucky was. It was Steve, Steve Rogers, and once again he could remember. He knew who Bucky was, but by then it was too late to fight back. The straps clamp down onto his head, immediately sending painful electric shocks through his brain. He could feel his will to fight, his will to live, and his sanity being shocked out of him. He tried to hold on the one fact, and one fact only, but he couldn't.

 He tried to hold on the one fact, and one fact only, but he couldn't

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  He was Bucky.



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