About Damn Time

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*I do not own any Marvel characters or any of Marvel's original dialogue. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*


Almost immediately after Bucky vanished from our sights HYDRA agents moved into position to arrest us. I scrambled looking for a way, only to see that every exit was completely covered. We were trapped, we were caught. Rumlow was the first move in closer to us.

"Drop the shield, Captain! On your knees!" He barked keeping his gun pointed. I turned out of my frantic plans of escape to see Steve and I were the only two left standing, Natasha and Sam were already being apprehended on the ground.

"Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Steve slowly raises his hands. Rumlow comes behind him kicking the back of his leg forcing him to his knees.

"Don't move," Rumlow growls beginning to cuff Steve. He looks up seeing another STRIKE member still pressing his gun to the back of Steve's head.

"Hey! He's on his knees, move the gun!" I shout. Rumlow glares at me before turning back to the agent. "Put the gun down, not here." The agent ignores him keeping his gun trained on the back of Steve's head. His finger twitches to the trigger and I pull against the man cuffing me trying to get to the agent about shoot Steve. Rumlow looks at the helicopters flying in to get a good story for the news before snapping at the agent.

"NOT HERE!" The agent listens slacking his aim. I sigh allowing them to pull me back from Rumlow and Steve.

"On your knees Miss. Wilson!" Someone yelled. I didn't look for the source as I complied. As soon as I as kneeling I was forced onto my stomach. An agent roughly grabbed my arms and pulling them behind my back tightening my cuffs locking them securely behind me. I'm pulled to my feet and taken to a transport van where Natasha and Sam are waiting. They shove me in and then force Steve in. I instantly notice the different types of handcuffs that they give Steve, they're bulkier and obviously stronger to keep him from breaking out.

After several minutes of tense silence Steve speaks up in disbelief. His face in complete despair.

I had seen the museums. Bucky was- is - Steve's best friend, but he was supposed to be dead. He fell off a train during one of their missions in World War II. Steve had to be heart broken.

"It was him," he breathes keeping his gaze to the floor. "He looked right at me and he didn't even know me."

I shake my head before replying, "How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago?" I say.

Steve sighs in realization before responding,"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on them. Whatever he did, it helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him." Steve looked away in defeat.

"None of that's your fault Steve." Natasha speaks.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." He keeps his gaze downward not bothering to hide his hurt expression. I slowly move to his side of the van sitting next to him. I rub my shoulder against his hoping to give him some kind of comfort. He looks over giving me a small smile before turning back to the floor.

"It'll be ok, we'll figure it out." I whisper leaning against his shoulder gaining a nod from him.

I turn my attention forward as Natasha rolls her head slightly against the car in pain. Sam glances at her bullet wound in concern and turns to the guards sitting with us in the back.

"We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on her wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam pleads. The guard closest to him pulls out an electric rod threatening Sam. He backs away.

What the guard does next is completely unexpected. They twist jabbing the rod into the other guards chest before throwing their feet into the other's head into the side of the van rendering them un-conscious.

The guard pulls their helmet off revealing a brunette woman. I cross her off as a threat at the sigh of relief Steve lets out.

"That thing was squeezing my brain," she sighs letting out a puff of hair before looking between Sam and I. "Who're they?"

We come to a stop next to a small river. Agent Hill, or Maria, opens her door heading in the direction of a closed in man hole in the side of a cement fixture. Steve and Sam are out first followed by Natasha and I. We're immediately rushed in through the door and down the hall to get medical attention for Natasha's wound. 

"GSW, she's lost at least a pint." Maria informs the doctor walking quickly to meet us.

"Maybe two." Sam adds from behind me, "And check her back." He pushes me forward. I turn to him glaring and being met with a similar expression as mine on Sam's face. I sigh letting him continue to push me.

"Let me take them!" He moves quicker closing the gap between us.

"She'll want to see him first." Maria denies. She then turns to her left leading us down a dark hallway with the lights flickering lightly before we reach a window to a medical room. In the room is a man lying bandaged and hooked to a machine that beeps every twenty seconds. He carefully lifts his head turning to look at Steve and Natasha. They both seem to freeze in stunned silence. I look at the three of them in confusion.

"What? Who's this guy?" I question. They all seem to ignore me, except Sam who shrugs.

The man speaks. "About damn time."



This was short, but only because I plan to tear your hearts out with the next chapter, and probably mine to. Let me know what ya'll think and leave some comments and suggestions on what you think should happen in the next few chapters. 💖

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