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Be sure to check out my new Sebastian Stan story "August" 💖


"I'm fine Sam honestly."

"Ava just let me--"




"FINE!" Sam yells defeatedly sulking back to the front door of the house. I sigh swinging my legs over and carefully hop down from the car on the pavement. I slam the door following Sam's path into the house. He insisted on carrying me into the house, because he was too paranoid to let me function

I close the front door behind me heading to my room. I run my hands through my hair plopping on my bed eliciting a painful groan from my throat. I roll onto my stomach burying my face into my pillows.

A knock sound from my door causing me to whip my head that way.

"Hey." Sam speaks.

"What's up?"

"I'm going out with Steve later. Are you gonna be ok tonight?"

"Yea, there's food in the fridge right?"

"Yep." Sam nods walking away from the doorway.

It had been a long two weeks since I woke up in the hospital. There had been some complications with the stitches in my stomach. I had went to sleep and turned to harshly and the stitches ripped and I lost a good amount of blood. No one knew until the nurse cam to wake me up. So they wanted me to stay long enough to monitor me more closely.

I push myself up walking over to my drawer grabbing a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom.

I walk into the living room after my much needed shower. I situate myself on the sofa grabbing a blanket and throw it over myself clicking on the tv. I sit watching tv for the next few hours until I eventually feel the heavy pull of sleep on my eyelids. I give in closing my eyes slipping off into sleep.


A loud bang startles me awake. I jump up becoming aware of my surroundings. Another bang follows the first causing me to move into action grabbing the gun holstered to the bottom of the coffee table and click off the safety. I take a deep breath trying to be quiet as I survey the living room. I check it clear and then move down the hallway aiming my gun at every shadow and corner. I clear my room and and then move on to Sam's.

   Slowly I push the door letting it creak until it hits the wall. I glance around the lamp on his bedside table. I scan the room and move my gaze to the closet. I don't get the chance. As soon as I begin to turn that way I'm knocked off balance and thrown, surprisingly gently, on the Sam's bed. My gun clatters to the floor causing the, now distinguished, figure to pause at the door. The shadows are castes just right so I can't make out any features, but he's built and tall.

   The man stays there for a second sizing me up before whisper an almost inaudible "I'm sorry," before rushing out the door and down the hallway. I move to my feet quickly after following him through the living room to the kitchen and to the back door. By the time I make it to entrance he's halfway down the yard. He disappears in the tree line out of my vision for good.

  I stand in shock for several seconds before a hand clasps itself on my shoulder causing me to jump. I twist around swinging my fist up connecting it to the person's nose.


   "SAM! I'M SO SORRY!" I apologize, "YOU SCARED ME!"

   "Ugh, this hurts." He whispers in pain. He grins his nose trying to stop the blood from trickling down his lips. I grab his hand pulling him the kitchen grabbing a towel pushing it to his nose. When the blood flow finally does down I grab some ice sticking it in another towel pushing it to his face.

   As I start to dab it a loud bang is heard and rushed footsteps follow. A familiar blonde figure races into view and let's out a sigh.

  "I heard a yell. I thought something happened."

   "No. Ava just punched my nose, nothing new." Sam sassily responds. I roll my eyes in return grabbing the bloody towel and throw it in the trash.

   "No. Sam scared me and I retaliated." I correct waving my finger in his face. He sticks his tongue out at me and turns to his room to nurse his nose.

  I grimace and turn to Steve offering a quick smile.

  "What's up super soldier?" I joke opening the fridge offering him a water. He nods catching it. I grab my own as he motions me to follow him to the living room.

  I perch myself on the seat next to him as he nervously fiddles with his hands.

  "So when are you gonna be cleared?" He asks.

  "In a few weeks probably, when my stitches heal." I say. "Don't worry, I'm still gonna help you look for Bucky."

  "No you're not." A voice cuts from the hallway. Steve and I whip to the source with wide eyes as Sam glares at the two of us.


   "No. I'm sorry Steve, I know he's your best friend, but he's not getting near my sister again." Sam sharply states crossing the distance sitting across from us.

  "Sam, he's only asking if I could help after I get the all clear. Not right now."

  "I could really use her help Sam. She won't be doing any rescue missions, she's just going to check a few places out."

  Sam sighs looking away from us. He clasps his hands together and bounces his knee. His jaw clenches as he turns to us.

  "Only scoping out places, I don't want her engaging him at all." He finishes. I speechlessly nod letting the subject drop and an awkward silence to fill the air.

  I lean back crossing my legs and letting out a breath.

  "I think I should go, it's gettin pretty late." Steve says and quickly stands to his feet.

  "I'll walk you out." I stand and follow him to the front door.

  "Don't worry, I'm gonna help you find Bucky. He doesn't deserve this." I whisper to Steve as he passes me to exit the house. He flashes me a grateful nod leaving down the sidewalk.


Author's Note-Well Ava is sneaky. Don't worry Bucky is coming in maybe the next three or five chapters I don't know yet. As always vote, comment and share if you're enjoying the book. 💖

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