You Save Lives - Ava

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* I do not own any Marvel characters or any Marvel dialogue, all rights go to their rightful owners. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*

^Don't question it, it needs to be there^


   "Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache." The man who I came to know as Nick Fury spoke. The doctor who was currently pressing on my back on the other side of the hospital room.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung." He states pressing on my shoulder eliciting a hiss from me. I look at him as he apologizes.

"Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise I'm good."

"They cut you open, your heart stopped." Natasha argues. He nods before explaining.

"Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat per minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it."

   "Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve questions. I stand from the table moving to stand next Steve. Fury glances over at my movement before Maria answers.

   "Any attempt on the directors life had to look successful."

   "Can't kill you, if you're already dead." Fury nods in agreement. "Besides I didn't know who to trust."

     Natasha glances down in obvious offense before turning to leave the room. She had told me about her past, and hearing him say that had hurt her. She told me that some people don't trust her and it makes her wonder if anyone should trust her. SHIELD had gave her a second chance to try and do what was right. Now SHIELD had be infiltrated by HYDRA, she was going to be slightly hurt.

     Steve stands for a second contemplating his words. Natasha wasn't the only one affected by this. Steve had just found out that his best friend was alive after he thought he was dead. My heart went out for both of them. Steve nods in disbelief before nudging my arm to follow him out of the room.

     I follow Steve to a bridge over-looking the water outside. We stay in silence letting Steve think things through before I eventually decide to break it.

     "I'm sorry about Bucky," I whisper. "You know kinda choked him out with my thighs."  I joke trying to lighten his mood.

   "I know, I saw." He laughs for a second before letting his face fall again. "I thought he was dead, I should've tried to look for him."

    I shake my head. "One of my commanders when I was in the service told us all about you. His dad was in the 107th, he told us they wouldn't have been alive if it hadn't been for you. It's what you do Steve, you save lives. If you would've looked for Bucky, New York, the whole Eastern Seaboard, wouldn't be here. All those lives would've been gone, and regardless of what happened to Bucky, he would've wanted you to pick them over him any day." I console. I turn to him keeping my attention to him watching as his face becomes redder.

    "If I save lives, why couldn't I save his?" He blurts out letting tears slip down his face. I sigh moving towards him. He slips his arms around me resting his face on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his waist feeling his sobs wracking through him making him shake.

     "You can't think like that. He's here now, and you have another chance. I'll help you do whatever you have to do to save him." He doesn't answer, he only continues to cry clinging onto me tighter.

    "I can't do this alone Ava, he's my best friend but I don't know what he's capable of now." He concludes moving away from me.

   "No problem, I can choke him again if you want." I smile as Steve laughs.

   He shakes his head. "No, but I really will need help with this whole SHIELD and HYDRA thing. Are you okay to fight?" He gestures to my back.

   "I'm not some pansy girl Rogers, I can still take some hits."

   "Yea but, can you take some hits from trained agents of HYDRA and an assassin with a metal arm who turns out to be my best friend?" I laugh before replying.

  "The question is Rogers, can they take some hits from me?"


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