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* I do not own any Marvel characters or any Marvel dialogue, all rights go to their rightful owners. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*

 I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*

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It was dark, that much I could tell. I kept hearing this beeping. It wouldn't go away, almost like when a fly keeps going around you and leaving that buzzing noise in your ear.

I found I couldn't move. I was laying down but I couldn't move my limbs. There was an ache creeping in through my shoulder triggering another in my thigh. All together they met shooting towards my stomach and leaving a sharp pain.


It felt like hours that I had been laying here. The ache in my shoulder started once again. It triggers the ache in my thigh like last time, but when they met at my stomach it was sharper the pain hitting me like a bucket of water. My body jolted from the force.

Even after the pain stopped my body continued to jolt for a few seconds. It felt like electricity pushing through my chest. My muscles clenched in return and my chest arched up each time. I still couldn't move.


The jolting stopped. The pains came back once again. They gradually got more painful instead of dull aches on my shoulder and thigh. They kept building they're intensity until they hurt just as bad as my stomach.

I was uncomfortable I tried in vain to wiggle my body even the slightest inch. Then a miracle happened. I was able to move my fingers. My toes twitched. With each limb the pain got more and more intense until I fluttered my eyes open.

It was bright. The beeping was still there to my left. The pains hadn't left either. I moved my gaze over to my right catching sight of Sam sitting in a chair flipping through a magazine, he was too engrossed to ear the steady rise of the beeping from my heart monitor as I woke up. I tried my hardest to smile through the pain and speak to him, until I noticed movement to my left. I turned that way to see Steve in another chair asleep. His head leaned back, arms folded across his chest and his leg splayed out.

I smiled at the ceiling before looking back at my brother. He was alive and he was here. He was okay. That's all I wanted.

"Sammy." I was finally able to quietly rasp out. His head snapped my way sporting wide eyes. He threw the magazine away from himself scrambling closer to me. I lift my hand to reach his as he reaches me. He takes a firm grip on my fingers keeping them in his grasp.

  "Hey." He whispers. He glances over my face checking for signs of discomfort.


   "The doctors said we have to come get her when you wake up." He releases my hand standing to move out of the room.

   He leaves allowing the room fill with silence. I glance back to Steve who now crossed his leg over the other in his sleep. I smile lightly glancing over at the bed side table spotting a stray magazine. I grasp it rolling it up and chuck it across to Steve's sleeping self.

  He jumps up kicking his legs out as he focuses his vision on me.

   "Ava!" He exclaims sitting up on the edge of his seat. "When did you wake up?"

   I laugh quietly. "Maybe two minutes ago."

  He grabs my hand holding it tightly in both of his.

   "Did Sam go to get the doctor?" He starts.

   I nod waiting for him to finish as he glances at the door biting his lip in thought before continuing.

   "I know you just woke up, but I could really use your help on this," he looks at the door once again. "I'm going after Bucky, and I wanted to know--"

   "Yes, Steve I'll help you." I cut him off sending a reassuring smile his way. His tense and worry filled features relax at my answer.

    "Thank you--" he begins once again but is stopped as Sam walks through the door with the doctor. Sam moves to corner of the room as the doctor walks to my bedside.

   "Well, Miss Wilson. You gave us quite the scare. You were out for almost two months." She informs reading over my chart.

   My eyes widen at the news and I look from her to Sam. Noticing my expression she closes the folder slightly.

   "That's relatively normal. You're injuries weren't as severe as we initially thought, but your body was able to keep itself under to heal more, which is good, but your heart did stop at one point. We want to run some tests before you leave to check and make sure everything involving that is ok." She soothes. I nod as she re-opens the folder.

   "So how long till she can leave?" Sam pipes up.

   "I would give it tonight and then she can go home, depending on the test results," she turns to me in mock sternness. "As long as she swears to not do any straining physical activities."

   Sam nods replying."Trust me I'll make sure of it."

   I roll my eyes at Sam's abrupt response and his firm nod. She laughs before motioning Sam to follow her as she leaves the room. Steve clears his throat gaining my attention as he smiles.

   "Thank you Ava," he starts. "You won't really have to worry about physical activity, you'll just check out a few places for me."

   "Yea. Yea, no problem Steve." I nod.

   He pats my hand letting it go as he sits back in the hospital chair.

   "Also," I begin. "Are you gonna pay for my car?"

  He laughs as I speak jokingly. I lean my head back against the pillows closing my eyes. A blissful and sleepy silence falls on the room.

   "Go to sleep." I hear Steve speak as my world fades back to darkness.


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