Metal Re-Inforcements

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*I do not own any Marvel Characters or any of Marvel's original dialogue. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*

      "Stop shoving me!" Sitwell yells as we make our way over to my car. I roll my eyes and allow Sam to take the keys. I move over to the back between Sitwell and Natasha. I glare at the side of his head until he turns his attention to me.

"I don't know why you're so worried." I scrunch my face up making eye contact with Sam through the rear-view mirror.

"What the hell are you talking about Sitwell?" I snap. His gaze doesn't leave mine as a smirk grows on his face.

"I don't know why you're so worried," he repeats. "As far as HYDRA is concerned, you're already an eliminated target." He says.

"What the hell does that mean?!" Sam demands from the driver seat. I keep my gaze level with his as he speaks again.

"In Pakistan, you really think that was just a random attack?" My face falls in realisation. "No HYDRA planned that for months. Top of every training, one of our best agents couldn't eve get the best of you in hand-to-hand. We knew that you would never help our cause, so we decided to eliminate you from the equation. That rescue mission was a fake, we had one of our best attack your unit, you weren't supposed to live, but you did. It doesn't matter now, with your shoulder and your back you aren't a threat to anyone."

I could feel my face lose any emotions. I couldn't even hold an angry glare, I was just numb. In my peripheral vision I could see Sam throwing cautious looks at me from the front. I turned in my seat keeping my head down making sure I didn't get the sudden urge to cry.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Sitwell informs.

"So why don't you stick a cork in it?" Sam snaps aggressively.

Natasha moves leaning over my lap to speak to Steve. "Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little close here." She says.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly. Sitwell snaps his head around at the mention of himself.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea..." He's cut off by his own screams as an arm flies through the window grabbing him by his jacket and heaving him out of the car in front of a moving truck. The person on the roof then shoots where Natasha is seated and she ducks into the passenger seat pulling Steve's head out of the way of a bullet. The person shoots again missing me by centimeters. I move into Natasha's previous spot reaching for my guns. I toss one to Natasha and grab my own. Steve reaches down and grips the break handle and pulls it causing the car to come to a screeching halt. The man on the roof goes flying, just as he's about to slide across the ground his left arm shoots out gripping the road and slowing himself down. He rips his hand out of the road and stands.

"What the hell is that?!" I scream as we are suddenly hit from behind. The impact causes my body to fly into the front hitting the dashboard. I groan and move thankful that I didn't land on my back. A thud is heard as the man lands back on my car. He then jumps back on our car and smashes the windshield, and grabs the steering wheel from Sam and rips it from the car.

"Shit!" Sam yells moving his hands from where the steering wheel once was.

The masked man moves gracefully onto the hood of the car behind us as Natasha returns fire and they begin to ram us farther and farther along. Steve reaches for his shield and grips Natasha tighter, he then turns to Sam grabbing his sleeve. Steve reaches out for me, but the door breaks causing them to fall out of the flipping car to the ground below.

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