Do You Need Eggs?

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"You ready for this?" I smirk at the metal armed assassin across from me. He crouched back watching my slow and steady movements.

"Just attack me." He huffed out. I was sitting on the sofa of his hide out when he walked up behind me and asked me to fight him. He had this crazy idea that the Winter Soldier would come out when he was attacked, and not just when he was triggered.

So we cleared the living room of furniture and began to circle each other. He gives a small twitch of his lips before lunging at me. I twist to the side out of his grip and elbow him in the side.

He grunts and grabs my arm and spins it behind my back and pushes me to the ground. I groan and elbow him once again. He releases me with a pain hiss and I spring back into place as he steadies himself.

"Did I break your nose?" I smirk at him. He shakes his head and then drops his gaze back to his intimidating persona.

I take a step forward and sling my foot at him. He anticipated it and grabs it and yanks me to him. He turns me and pins me to the floor again.

"Okay." He speaks and then moves away from and across the room. I breath deeply and stand up watching him as he gulps down water.

"So, how much did you have to train, back at Hydra?" I ask awkwardly.

"Too much." He responds. He walks over to the couch and pushes I back into place and then repeating the action with the two tables.

  "I know I didn't have anything to do with it, and this probably won't help, but I'm sorry about what happened to you." I speaks up again.

"Thank you." He nods earnestly and walks back to his room. I watch him from the corner of my eye as he goes in and then comes out. He tosses me a towel to wipe my face.

"Not a day goes by that I don't think about what my life would be like if I didn't fall off that train."

  "You would probably be dead right now." I snort.

"Yea." He speaks. We both let everything lapse into silence after his words. James obviously wasn't ready to completely open up about the little bit of memories that he was having, and I wasn't going to push him to do so.


"How the hell does this work?" James grumbled as he fumbles with the control to the video game we were in the middle of.

"Press the button if you want to move, press this one if you want to jump and press this one if you want throw something." I answer for him and point to each button as I do. I lean back and watch as he begins to play the game correctly. The entire situation was funny to me. I join up with Steve and help him fight Hydra only to find out his best friend from World War II was being used by them. We defeat them and then I end up hiding his best friend and teaching him how to play video games.

I couldn't control myself anymore and let out a laugh. James wasn't expecting it and jumped looking at me and causing him to die in the game.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm over here losing my mind." I answer. I lean forward again and restart the game for him. He glances at me a little before giving his attention back to the game.


"Open up metal man!" I knock on the door alerting Bucky to my presence out side of his apartment. The door clicks open allowing me to push it open and stride in after James's retreating figure

I don't know what possessed him to ask the question he did.

  "What do you mean if I have plane tickets out of the country?" I hiss once the door is closed all the way.

  "I've been here too long, the panic should have died down." He responds vaguely. "Hydra will start to look for me."

"And sure they'll expect that I have you!" I exclaim. "The girl that you put in a hospital!"

"It won't matter you have connections to Captain America and that's suspicion already."

"So you just won't tell Steve?"

"No, it's better if we never talk again."

"What the hell James?"

"It's better this way." He concludes not giving any room for argument. I sighed angrily and pinched the bridge of my nose and fold my arms together.

"It's either you help me or I find a way myself." He adds further to his argument. His way would probably have more bloodshed than what was necessary so I had no choice.

"Okay, fine." I walk over and grab a piece of paper writing down all the information I had in the person.

"Get in contact with this person tell them Sana sent you, don't give them my real name they'll know who and they'll get you what you need." I hand the paper over to him.

"How do I get in contact with them?"

"Go to 803 75th street around 3 am four days from now and wait, they'll find you." I answer him, "They'll ask you if you need eggs, say yes."

He looked at me carefully trying to watch for any kind of set up and when he sees nothing to be cautious about he nods at me. He grabs the paper from my hand finally with his mechanical arm. I felt the cold brush against my fingers as I drop my arm to my side.

"Well, good luck on escaping the city." I say awkwardly as he continues to look at me. I looked away and began to walk from the room. He doesn't say anything but he faves my elbow to stop me.

"Can you keep Captain America off my trail?" My face twist in aggravation before pulling my arm from his hand.

"No." I give the answer and then walk out of the room closing the door behind me. It was true even if I did try, there was no way on earth, in heaven, or in hell I would be able to stop Steve from looking for Bucky.


We're nearing the end of the book guys. I know, sadly, it will be a wait for the next book so I can get it together how I want everything to go in the next book. So I just ask that you give me some time. I love you guys so much and thank you for all the activity on this book. I've gotten way more read than I ever thought I would have and that's amazing. Thank y'all so much. 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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