I Guess I Don't Have To Kill You

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It had been two months since someone broke into Sam and I's house. Two months since I went behind Sam's back once again and promised to help look for Bucky. My stitches had healed so I had already began helping Steve track down Bucky.

   I was happy to say Sam hadn't found out yet. To say Steve was suppose to represent everything right, he was sneaky. Steve was able to keep Sam away from my searching while still doing a bit himself. He couldn't accompany me on most of the locations because of the Avengers, but he kept in contact.

   Steve had just given me two new locations to check; including the Smithsonian.  I don't know why Steve hadn't thought of it first, but he finally suggested I go there. Which where I'm at currently. 

   I slowly meandered through the different displays about Steve's life, pre-serum and post serum. I shuffled behind a small family and stopped at Bucky's tribute. The automated system's voice filtered through as it detected my presence. I sighed as it spoke of Bucky being the only Howling Commando to give his life. If only they knew.

   I smirked as a figure shifted next to me.

  "Why the hell are you looking for me?" He growls discreetly looking over our shoulders.

  I ignore his statement throwing one of my own. "You know it's hard to find you Soldier."

  "Why are you following me?" He re-states getting more and more aggravated by the second.

   "Your best friend is looking for you," I twist to him and grab his arm. I move into his personal space as several people crowd around us. I duck my head close to his shoulder to make it appear like we're a couple. He follows my lead rather uncomfortably. I smack his side nodding my head to the corner of the Smithsonian. He nods moving to follow me as I push my way by everyone.

   "Look, we're the only ones who can help you." I whisper turning to him one again.

  He shakes his slowly. "No, I'm not facing Steve...everything I did--"

   "Look, Steve is the only one who can help." I explain.

  "Then why didn't he come?" He snaps, his expression going cold and numb. I back away to avoid suspicion as a few people turn their gazes to us.

  "Look, just trust me for a little bit, I can get you somewhere safe."

  "Nowhere is safe, not for me!"

  "Look, Steve and I have a place set up, all you need to do is grab your stuff and come with me."

  He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If you're lying to me, I'm going to kill you." He states simply and walks away. I nod awkwardly at his previous spot before taking off after him.


"Okay, in there is the bathroom, and that's the bedroom, I'm pretty sure you can maneuver the rest." I say as I show Bucky around the apartment that Steve and I had for him.

He glanced around cautiously, eyeing everything thoroughly.

"There are too many windows."

"They have blinds." I roll my eyes. Since he gotten his things he pointed out weak spots in everything I did and everything I showed him. To say it was getting on my nerves would be putting it lightly.

He didn't trust me and that I understand, but he doesn't want to see the one person he can. I don't know how I'm going to tell Steve, or more so not tell him. He was anxious to find Bucky, it went without saying that if we were looking for him then so was Hydra.

"Am I staying here by myself?" He questions as he enters from exploring the bathroom and bedroom.

"Mostly yes, I'll be checking in from time to time." I nod and shove my hands in the back pockets of jeans scuffing the floor with my boots.

"Ok." He leaves out looking around suspiciously. "I guess I don't have to kill you." He informs as he finishes his inspection.

"Well I'm glad about that." I mumble sparing a glance at the floor. "Look it's been fun, but I gotta get going."

"Are you going to tell Steve?" He wonders lowering his head as I pass him.

"Well yeah, I have to."

"Don't--" he trails off not fighting his obvious panicked emotions. He runs his hands through his hair a few times before he faces me.

"Just please, until I get a little better. As soon as I show improvement you can tell him."

His pleading gaze locks on mine, desperately trying to convey his message. I look away, shifting in my spot and sigh.

   "Okay, okay--"

  "Thank you."

   "But, first sign of improvement I'm marching Steve over here."

   He reluctantly nods as I turn to leave.

  "Oh," I turn back to him. "Be careful."

   I turn not waiting for his answer and walk out of the door. This was going to be difficult. I couldn't all of a sudden want to quit looking for him without looking suspicious. Steve was going to know something was up.  As I reach the sidewalk in front of the building I turn watching the windows of the room Bucky is in. I turn and leave, headed back to where I left my car.


Author's Note- Vote, Comment and Share. And I can't believe this book hit 1k reads. Thank you all so much 💖

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