Till The End Of The Line

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* I do not own any Marvel characters or any Marvel dialogue, all rights go to their rightful owners. I only own Ava Wilson and her own original dialogue*


"Thanks for the ride, Sam." I say as Sam drops me on the deck of the final Helicarrier. My feet hit the ground and I take out running.

"Steve, location?"

"I'm headed your way." His voice crackles through the comm.

I turn to my right as heavy footsteps approach Sam and I. I lean back on my left leg waiting for the possible threat to approach.

I let out a sigh as Steve comes into view. I relax my stance shifting my weight between my legs a couple of times. He reaches my side turning between Sam and I glancing over both of us to check for injuries.

"You know, I didn't get to say. You're a lot heavier than you look." Sam jokes.

"I had a big breakfast."

     I snort turning to Steve to wait for orders. Steve turns indicating us to follow. I take three steps behind him before a flash of black and silver rams into Steve knocking him over the edge of the Helicarrier.

My eyes widen as I attempt to run to his aid. "Steve!"

Sam triggers his wings attempting to take off after Steve. Just as he jumps off Bucky grasps his wing in his metal prosthetic and jerks him back onto the Helicarrier. I run up behind attempting to pull his attention away so Sam can get Steve.

Bucky grabs my arms and lifts me before flinging me over several feet into the many piles of crates. I gasp as I make impact slowly sliding to the ground groaning in pain.

Sam witnessing my injury un-hooks his guns and begins to fire at Bucky in retaliation. Bucky dodges flipping behind a white tank avoiding Sam's bullets. I attempt to gather my wits and stand to my feet as Sam holsters his guns once again and flies off after Steve once again.

As Sam passes, Bucky shoots out from behind the tank releasing a wire at Sam. The wire grips Sam's left wing and he roughly pulls him back to the ground of the Helicarrier.

Sam hits the ground with a dull thud groaning. I'm finally able to take a step without wobbly and I  immediately rush towards Bucky to help Sam.

I throw a kick at the middle of his back pushing him forward. He spins around gathering his balance back and returns my forceful kick. The heavy boot smacks across my face sending me to ground once again. I level myself on my hands and knees spitting out the blood from my now bleeding mouth.

I cough in more pain and turn just able to catch Bucky grabbing the wire attached to Sam's wing once again. Sam turns trying to get to his feet again. Bucky now back in possession of the wire sharply wanks it detaching Sam's left wing from his pack. Bucky takes off towards Sam once his wing is off. Sensing his intentions, I ignore the pain and push myself to my feet sprinting after him.

Bucky is at an advantage. By the time I have gotten to my feet and running after him, he's already reached Sam. Sam in a panic gets up to defend himself, but he doesn't get the chance to block Bucky's attack. As soon as Bucky is within distance he sends out a powerful kick knocking Sam over the edge.

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