Truth or Lie

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"We're never doing this again." Bucky clambers back in the car with me after we had exited the grocery store. He was jumpy the whole time, which was completely understandable, but he felt like he was being a burden to me. He preferred to stay close to me, but he still didn't trust me. So I agree with him when he says it was never happening again.

"Okay, anything else you wanna come with me to get?" I look over at him giving him a grin. He shakes his head at my question turning back to looking out the window.

  That was another thing I noticed about him, if he's not uncomfortable next to you, he's always in deep thought. I could imagine the things he has to think about and remember. He stays looking out the window letting the silence linger.

"We've never met right?" I turns to me quirking his head in thought.
Possibly trying to reach an earlier memory of me.

"Fraid not." I assure directing the steering wheel to the right. He sighs and nods turning back to his thoughts. He clenched his regular hand in attempts to wrangle his nervous shaking. I found it odd that a man who had the biggest notorious reputation in the Surveillance society was having trouble with something as simple as grocery shopping or riding in a car. He kept clenching and unclenching his metal hand in exasperation. He was frustrated that he couldn't have the same tingles that a human arm would bring him.

"So what exactly is the story behind the arm?" I question casually taking the last turn to head back to the apartment.

"I don't really trust you." He states not sparing me a glance.

"Well, when we first met you choked me, so I don't really trust you all that much either, but it's not good to keep all that in."

"I'd rather not talk about it." He clips the conversation short and leans back in his seat.

I nod looking back at the road just in time to catch a stopped car in front of us. My foot slams on the break. Our car skips and the weight is thrown forward sending me along with it. It was then I realized my mistake of forgetting my seat belt as I glance at the windshield. I suddenly slammed back by a heavy force that knocks the wind completely out of me. My hand come up to my chest grasping in a desperate attempt to regain my breath. The weight that pushed the air out of me is now gone, letting me breath a little easier. My chest heaves as my eyes dart over to Bucky to check him for injuries and I notice his metal arm withdrawing from over my chest. His arm is what kept me from flying through the windshield a mere second ago.

"You should really wear that." He gestures to my seat belt. "They're suppose to protect you."

I snort my reply before pressing on the accelerator once again letting the car ease back along the road. Thankfully we didn't hit the car in front, but needless to say I buckled my seatbelt anyway.


   "Is that everything?" I huffed as I dropped the last bag in the apartment and tiredly shuffled back to the trunk of my new SUV where Bucky stood.

   "Yes, now lets go in it's getting dark, I don't want to be spotted." He mumbled passing me into the open apartment. I sigh grabbing my keys and other necessities out of the vehicle, locking it and trailing behind him.

   I shuffled into the kitchen dropping my things coming across Bucky putting away the thing he remembered and knew where they went. Every so often he'd find something he didn't know about and instead of focusing on it, he set it to the side in a neat pile.

   "I got those." I move across the kitchen reaching for one of the food items. He tenses and watches me from the corner of his eyes while I put the item in the refrigerator. He relaxes when he comes to the conclusion that I pose no threat to him.

He stuffs cans of food into the cabinet before stalking off into the living room. I watch after him before shrugging my shoulders and turning back to food and drinks.

I place the last item of food in its place and walk off into the living room looking for James. I scan the room not catching sight of him and then tip toeing into the hall way towards his room.

"James?" I ask and knock on the door lightly. I press my ear to the door hoping to catch a sound of shuffling, but I'm met with silence.

  "James?" I whisper and allow the door to creak open. I step in quietly to not alarm him. My eyes wonder from the closet over towards the bed where surprising James is fast asleep on the small mattress. His hair is strewn across his face and the pillow as if he's twisted in his sleep. His legs are curled up since he's too big for the small spot.

    I know can't really tell if he has trouble sleeping after his days with Hydra, but regardless I creep out silently to let him continue his slumber.

   I let the door almost closed so if someone were to come in he would be able to hear them clearly. I walk silently back to the kitchen turning lights off along the way. I clasp my keys in between my finger as I flick off the final light in the kitchen. I unlock the door swinging it open and steeping out into the cold Washington night. I lock the door and shuffle off to the parking lot. I pull my jacket tighter and keep my head to hopefully not attract attention to myself, or worse, James. I fumble with my keys and click the unlock button and practically throw myself into the driver seat and started the engine letting it idle before turning the heater on.

   "Damn cold weather," I mumble. "Stupid Sam, couldn't move to a warmer state, always have to live in the cold ones." I shift the car into reverse and pulling away from building.


   I finally pull into Sam and I's driveway I climb out and stumble over to the door locking the door in the process. I practically fall into the house and lazily strolling into the kitchen for food.

   "Ava?" I hear Sam call from the living room with the distinguishable steps of him coming my way. I quickly fix my hair slightly to not seem suspicious. He finally rounds into the dining room smiling a little my way.

   "Hey big bro." I smile turning back to the fridge and grabbing a random plate of left-overs. I shove it into the microwave and turn back to find him frowning at me.

  "Where have you been Aves?" He questions, leaning on the counter across from me. "I've been worried, I've been calling you for hours now!" He exclaims, not quite yelling but still expressing his emotions.

   "I was out and my phone died, sorry Sam." I grimace as he narrows his eyes at my expression. He could always see through my lies no matter good I was at perfecting them.


  "Alright goodnight Sammy-" I start to cut him off before he stops me.

  "For now Aves, but I want an explanation." He sighs watching me from the dining room entrance now.

  "I will Sammy, I promise." I whisper as he nods and leaving back to his room. I sigh rubbing my face vigorously and lean over the sink. Lying to him is harder than I could have expected, and I know once he finds out it'll be bad. I don't want him to take it out on Steve, because James is like his brother and I know Sam would do the same for me. Either way would be hard, but I still have to tell him eventually. Losing my appetite I throw the food in the garbage can and going to bed.


Author's Note- YAY FINALLY AN UPDATE!!! I know I say this a lot but I've seriously been busy and it's been almost impossible to update but I should have some more for Friday so be on the look out 💖 as always vote comment, let me know what you think.

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