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It had been exactly two weeks since my encounter with Sam after leaving Bucky. Since then I had moved Bucky to a different safe house to keep from being found. Sam had also become increasingly suspicious about where I was going everyday. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought I was seeing someone in a romantic way.

Steve had been covering for me saying we were training together, but that only made Sam more suspicious to how I was keeping up with a super soldier, regardless of his age. I still feel bad that Steve was covering for me while I was lying to him also. I had only just returned from settling Bucky in the second safe house when Sam had been sitting in my room waiting for me.

"I've let this pass for a while, but now I want answers where have you been?"

"I told you Steve has been training with me." I lie to him.

"I don't believe you, why is it always late at night or late in the afternoon?" He fires at me not once moving from his place on my bed. I sigh rolling my eyes and moving to sit next to him.

"Look Sam, I promise it's nothing to worry about." I smiled reassuringly at him. He doesn't look convinced just simply staring at me. He closes his eyes rubbed his eyes and then left without a word. It was then I got a message from Steve asking if I had seen anything at the last place we searched. I replied with a solid and guilt filled no before letting my phone fall as I heard the unmistakable sound of Sam's door slamming shut. I shoved my face into my hands letting my guilt continue to roll over my thoughts. I sat there for I don't know how long, before groaning and grabbing my keys and phone and left the house once again, but that was two weeks ago.


I was currently at the gym letting my frustrations out on the bag in front of me. Sam and I had rode together to the gym and splitting up immediately when we arrived. Sam hadn't spoke to since he confronted me. I was pissed at myself and had decided to take it out on the punching bag. I didn't know how long I had been at it before I was interrupted.

"Woah Ava, didn't know you had that in you." Someone laughs from behind me. I turn catching sight of the the blonde haired superhero behind me smiling friendly. I sigh wiping my forehead of sweat and grabbing my water.

"What are you doing here Steve?" I ask taking a seat next to him on the floor. "I thought you went to the old gym up the street."

"I do, I came to talk to you." He answers simply.

"Okay what's up?"

"I'm moving into the Avengers facility in New York."

"Okay." I answer looking at him in confusion.

"I think I'm gonna put the search for Buck on hold now"

I stare at him stunned slightly. "Oh."

"Yea, it's not that you aren't doing a good job, because you are it's just an assassin will only be found if they let you find them and he's not ready to be found."

"Yea." I hoarsely whisper. He shoves his hands in his pockets before answering.

"I'm sorry, I know you put a lot of time into this."

"No Steve don't worry it's fine, trust me I'll be okay." I laugh at his worried expression.

"If anything I'm sorry, he's your best friend."

He offers me a warm smile before standing and pulling me to my feet behind him.

"Let's see what you got." He teases as he wraps his knuckles and the turns to me. I smirk before going at him.

"Ava?." He grunts over my attacks.


"Believe me, I'll be okay too."


"Look, I know you think you're not ready or whatever the hell it is but I'm not lying to my brother and your best friend anymore." I state as Bucky opens the door to the house he's been holed up in for the past two weeks. He sighs moving aside letting me angrily stomp in past him.
   The surprise meeting with Steve happened about a month ago now, I held up with Bucky further to help him out, but now my guilt was eating at me viciously.

"Look, you can tell them but give me some time to leave." He informs crossing his arms across his chest staring at with the same cold look he's been giving since we met. I roll my eyes and plop on the sofa.

"You know for the most notorious assassin in history, you're a coward." I snap at him causing his emotionless facade to waver. He immediately covers it up but it's too late, I caught it.

"You're scared aren't you?" I push as I stand to stride closer to him. He was still that guy from Brooklyn all those years ago. He just has to climb out of the muck that HYDRA made of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He mutters angrily pushing past me. I grab his arm turning him back to me. We're face to chest now, I couldn't care less if he was bigger than me, he no longer intimidated me. He glared at me intensely as he waited for me to talk.

"James he's not a threat to you, he's your best friend he just wants to see you." I answer lowly.

"Just give me time Ava."

"You have three months before I rat you out to Steve." I inform before turning to leave and meet Sam and Steve for some training. Three months would give him enough time to prepare himself, and me enough time to find a safe house from my brother when he attempts to murder me.

   "And that time is not for you to flee the country." I add over my shoulder.


I stride out of the door hoping only for the best situation, because when the time comes someone was going to get hurt. If it was physically or emotionally I don't know and I'm scared to find out who it would be.


Author's Note~Sorry about the wait guys, but this is more so of a filler chapter to set up the rest of the conflict before moving to AOU, yes Ava will have a small part in AOU.

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