Chapter 1

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"Come on Reagan! You have to go!"

"Mom! I don't see the big deal in leaving. It was just one little damn incident!"

"One little incident?! You almost got killed!" My mom looks at me like I'm ridiculous.

"It wouldn't matter!" I shoot back.

"Yes it would, honey." My mom softens, but I still glare at the ground.

"You need to get better and I know going to her house is going to be good for you." She grabs my shoulders and gives me my suitcase.

"Now go. I love you sweetie."

"Love you," I mutter walking past her and my dad, who hasn't said a word to me.

"Well, Gabe I'm leaving. See you in a couple of months little bro." I kneel down to my little brother's height.

"B-but Reagan! I don't want you to go! Please stay." He pouts and his eyes glisten with tears.

"Gabe you know it's not my choice! I would stay but mom's making me." He sniffles and wraps his arms around me. I feel him start to cry on my shoulder and I sigh. If he keeps crying I'm going to start crying.

"Gabe stop crying you're going to make me cry!" He sniffs one more time and let's go of me.

"P-promise that we'll talk and when you get back well watch a movie."

"Promise." I let go of him and he walks to my mom. My dad looks away fom me and I sigh.

"Love you too, dad." I mutter walking away from my family.

"Reagan!" I turn around just as my bestfriend pounces on me. We both fall to the ground and I groan.

"Taylor! Get off me!" He gets off me and helps me up.

"You can't leave me without saying goodbye." He smacks my arm and I yelp.

"What was that for?"

"For almost leaving me!" He stated. "Oh and here!" He hands me a stuffed teddy bear and I grab it.

"We are going to talk everyday and we can gossip about all the cute guys!" He mocks a girls voice and I smile. "There's that big smile." I roll my eyes and hug him.

"I'll be back before you know it."

Flight 24 now ready. Please board the plane!

I groan and look back at Taylor who's pouting.

"Damn it! I have to go!"

"It's okay babe. We'll talk when you get there. Love you." He hugs me tightly one more time.

"Love you too."

After we said our goodbyes I got in the plane, at first class. I don't know why they couldn't just get me a regular seat but no. I put my suitcase on the seat next to me and plug in my headphones. Panic! At The Disco immediately blares through my headphones and I lay my back down on the seat. My long black hair cascades down my shoulders and to my waist. My hair is getting long long long.

I lay my black cardigan on my lap and let my music take me to dream land.


"Miss! Miss!" I groan and open my eyes as I come face to face with a lady. She smiles down at me but I know it's forced.

"We arrived." I nod and she walks off. I finally notice that everyone is out and I grab my things. I let one of the earpieces from the headphones out of my ear and the other in my ear, still blasting it's music. I wipe the drool off my chin and walk out the plane. I go through corridors until I'm finally in the main hall so I can get the rest of my things. I let my suitcase roll behind me and I stop for a second so I can put my cardigan back on. I continue and then I grab my other suitcase. My jeans are a little wrinkled and so is my grey plain shirt. As I sit down on a chair I look around waiting to see the people that are supposed to pick me up.

"Reagan! Is that you?" A voice behind me chirps and I turn around in my chair to see a brown haired woman and a black haired man walk up to me. I get up and I'm soon tackled into a hug.

"Sweetie it's been so long! Although you probably don't remember me. You were just a little baby last time I saw you." She lets me go and she turns me so I'm facing the man.

"This is my husband, Mark. Oh yeah! I'm Harper!" She chirps and I give Mark a wave who gives me one back. We stand there awkwardly until Harper gives me a tug.

"C'mon you have to go meet the boys!"

"Boys?" I ask, confused. I thought it was just going to be us.

"Yes I have five boys!" I nearly choke on my spit and she gives me a concerning look.

"You okay sweetie?"

I nod and she smiles.

On the way to her house she informs me on the guys. Ace is the oldest being 23. Ben being 19. Calum and Damien both being 18. And finally, Edward being 15.

Calum and Damien are both twins so that might be hard. I can't believe they don't have any girls! I'm going to be living in a house full of guys! Don't get me wrong that's great and all but I will most likely not have any privacy.

As we arrive at the house I gape at it. I thought my house was big, but this house is huge. It's a three story house and from the windows I can see that the color scheme of the house are red and gold. I gulp as we come into the driveway. I can see different cars. Two of them being a camaro, one of them is a blue color and the other a red color. The other two cars are a lamborghini and a bugatti. The lamborghini is a black color and the bugatti is a grey color. I gape at the cars and I nearly drool. I instantly shut my mouth as I see Harper giving me an amused look.

"C'mon sweetie. Let's go meet the boys." She gets out her car and I follow. Mark follows behind us and I hear the small car lock. Harper opens the red door to her house and I come in. Mark shuts the door behind him and I gape at the staircase. It looks like it leads to nowhere.

"Ace, Ben, Calum, Damien, and Edward! Get your butts down here now! She yells and I hear pounds of feet start to decend down the stairs. I look down and fiddle with the teddy bear Taylor gave me. The music is still playing in my ear and I can tell that Harper and Mark can hear it but they ignore it.

The teddy bear looks at the ground as I hold it in my hands. The bear is a golden brown color and it has soft paws.

"Guys this is Reagan." It's silent as Harper introduces me, but I ignore her and I keep looking at the bear. I wonder how the fur is attached to the fabric. I mean don't they have to like stick the fur in a peice of fabric and then the fabric is sewn to other peices. I wonder how the fur stays. I don't know I may be wrong.

"Reagan!" I snap my head up and I look at Harper with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"I've been calling your name for five minutes."

"Sorry." My cheeks turn a light red and I can hear people behind her snickering.

Great! You embarrassed yourself on the first day here! I scold myself.

"As I was saying these are my boys!" She moves from in front of me and I can see five guys in front of me.

Correction, four hot Greek gods and a younger version of them.

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