Chapter 8

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"Do you think she'll wake up before Mom and dad get here?" A voice asked above me. 

"Maybe we still have two days until they come back though, I think it'll be fine though." Another voice spoke up, sounded weary.

I groaned and moved my arms. There was a constant pounding in my head and it hurt like hell.

"She's waking up!"

"Shut up!" I hissed.

I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with all the boys staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face or something?" I asked.

"No its just that uh." Ace pointed to my head and I frowned, touching my head. When I felt a bandage around my head I frowned.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You kind of fainted when you saw the bullets inside me and you hit your head pretty hard and started bleeding." Ben shrugged.

"Bleeding! Bullets! What? Where's your parents?" I asked, shocked.

"They kind of had to leave to the other side of the state during the storm." Ace grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What? B-but why?" I asked.

"My mom's sister is sick." Edward piped in. I just grumbled and put my knees up to my chest.

"Can you get me some pain killers or something? My head is killing me," I grumbled. Ace handed me two white pills and a glass of water.

"We're going to go out for the rest of the day to a party and you can rest." Ben mumbled, awkwardly while I just nodded. Once they left I quickly got up and ran to Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil's room. I quickly rummaged through their cabinets and when I reached the last one I smiled as I saw the blunts sitting at the bottom. I grabbed both blunts and my lighter and walked to my room. I opened and drops of rain entered the room, but I ignored them. I put one of the blunts in my mouth and lit it up. The smoke left my mouth as I took the blunt in my fingers. My body instantly reacted with the blunt and relaxed.

Ever since I've been here it's just been trouble. When this storm clears out I'm heading straight back home and I'm making sure everyone is okay. My phone suddenly rings from my bed and I grab it. I see Taylor's face pop up and I answer.

"Hey Taylor," I say, putting the blunt to my lips.

"Reagan! I heard about the crash and I'm heading straight to the hospital right now!" Taylor says, frantically. I puff the smoke out.

"Really? Have you heard anything else?" I asked and he grew quiet. "Taylor?"

"Reagan... Your mom is in critical condition."

"Oh..." I put the blunt back to my lips and left it there for a long time. Taylor was still silent as I held the phone to my ear with my hand and the other was lazily hanging by my side. I took the blunt out and started coughing. I left it there for too long. The puffed out my mouth as I coughed and i held the blunt between my index and middle finger.

"Reagan?! Are you okay?" Taylor asked, worriedly.

"I'm fine!" I wheezed.


"Alright! I was just taking a blunt, no big deal."

"Reagan," he sighed. "Put it away and take a shower." I rolled my eyes but did as he said and threw away the blunt. "I'll talk to you later," with that he ended the call and I threw the phone onto my bed. I closed the window and went into my closet. I grabbed grey sweatpants, a blue tank top, and dark blue jacket. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After I changed into the clothes I blow dried my hair until it was damp and laid down on the bed. I checked the time.


I sighed and got on Instagram and noticed how people who I followed were out partying while I'm at home trying not to do any damage. I got off and put my phone beside me. I got under the covers and closed my eyes and soon enough sleep over took me.

My eyes popped open as I heard a bang downstairs. My mind instantly took over and came up with different things on what the bang could've been. I instantly got up from bed. I grabbed my phone and hid it in my bra. I carefully walked to the living room and saw six figures standing in the living room. They were all talking in hushed whispers and the lights were off. I grabbed the closest thing next to me, which was a small glass cup, and held it to my chest. I walked towards a tall figure and raised the cup up. My mind was on high alert and my heart was beating as fast as it could. Just as I was going to hit the figure with the cup the lights turned on and I stopped.

"What the hell are you doing?" I instantly recognized the voice as Damien and dropped the cup. It shattered everywhere and I yelped taking a step back. I regretted it as a large piece of glass ripped through my skin on the bottom of my foot. I hissed taking another step back and yelped as I stepped on yet another piece of glass.

"Stop moving!" I halted and hands grabbed me and lifted me up. "Take her to the bathroom and clean her up," I felt some moving and the person carried me to the bathroom. I was plopped into the counter and I stood face to face with Damien.

"Put your feet up," he demanded. I did as told and he grabbed an aid kit.

"Shouldn't I be at the hospital?" I asked as he opened the small box up.

"Don't worry, I've done this before," he grabbed some tweezers, a small bottle of alcohol, and huge bandages. The thing that made me weary was that the tweezers had dried blood on it. He slowly got on his knees and started picking the glass out of my leg and I had to grip the counter to stop myself from screaming. The pain is like when you're on your period and you feel the cramps, only this is ten times worse.

"Done," Damien got up and cleaned up his hands and the tweezers. There was still a sharp pain in my feet even after he took the pieces out and wrapped a piece gauze around them.

"Just don't walk on them and you'll be fine." He commented before storming out.

"What?! How am I going to walk?!"

"Figure it out!" He yelled back. I sighed and laid down against the cold mirror.

It's going to be a long day.

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