Chapter 10

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"Reagan! Get up it's ten!" I was punched in the back rather harshly.

"Go away," I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

"Get up! It's 10 you have to get ready." I raised my hands up and the person picked me up. Ace grunted and set my down in the closet. I had a couple clothes in here left and I just grabbed what was there. I put on galaxy leggings, a blink - 182 sweatshirt, my penguin ankle socks, and my combat boots. A weird combination I know but that's what I had. I crawled out of the closet and saw Ace waiting. He was bouncing his leg up and down and he was looking around impatiently.

"Finally!" He muttered. "Alright so we can just eat at the airport while we wait and we can go straight to the hospital once we drop off our stuff at the house." I nodded in agreement and he plopped me down on the bed.

"Get on my back! Your suitcase is already in my car," I grabbed my phone, stuffed it in my pocket, and got on his back. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and he bounced me up and gripping my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he walked me downstairs.

"I'm sorry," I muttered into his neck.

"It's okay," he sighed. Even though he said it was fine I still felt as if this was all my fault. I couldn't control that my family got into a car crash. But I could've just not stepped on the glass. I could've stopped this from happening and Ace wouldn't have to be carrying my fat self to see my parents.

I sighed at my thoughts and snuggled into him.
"Oh hey!" Olivia chirped when we made it to the front door. She was standing there and she was smiling almost evily. Yeah, something is definitely up.

"Well, I know you're going to be gone, but I just want to give you this," she handed me a medium sized box and I grabbed it from her. I was about to open it when she stopped me,"No! Don't open it yet! It's a surprise. Open it when you get home,"her eyes held panick but her smile said otherwise.

I nodded hastily and carried the box in my hands as we got in the car. Olivia waved at us and Ace waved back. I on the other hand, didn't wave back. I slumped down in my seat.

During the car ride we had talked about where we are going to be sleeping and made arrangements.

When we finally arrived at the airport I got out my headphones and now I'm prepared for this ride.


When we finally arrived and the plane stopped we both got off, grabbing our stuff, and going towards the door. I'm ready but I'm still not ready to see my family if that make sense.

We got our other stuff and headed outside. We sat outside on top of our suitcases, waiting for Taylor.

"How big is your house?" Ace asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's medium sized, I guess," I shrugged. "Why?" I asked.

"I don't know I just never had a house small or medium sized," he shrugged and I understood in a way. Having all those people in a house gets you used to big houses.

"Reagan!" I looked up as soon as I heard that voice. Taylor was running towards me and I got excited. Once he reached me he tackled me down into a hug.

"I missed you so much!" I panted.

"I missed you too," Taylor squeezed me.

"Alright now that you guys have reunited can we leave," Ace whined. I gave him the bird and rolled my eyes. Taylor got off me and Ace handed Taylor my suitcase and with trouble I got on Taylor's back. I snuggled my face into his neck and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you so much." I sighed. He is like my drug in a way. If I stay away from him for too long I'll go crazy. But when I'm with him he keeps me sane.

"Yeah I totally dont feel left out right now," Ace grumbled, pouting.

"Quit whining you big baby."

"That's not everything that's big," he winked at me and I made a face of disgust and he laughed at me.

"Disgusting," I muttered. I tightened my hold on Taylor's neck enough to keep me steady but not enough to choke him.

"Alright let's go home!" Taylor said.


Once we left our house after leaving everything there we headed to the hospital. Now I'm very nervous to see my family. I shouldn't be though. They're my family. I just want and hope that they make it through.

I fiddled in my seat. I fiddled with my hands and looked at the scenery. It's the typical scenery you would see here. The sky was blue and the houses passed by in a blur. There weren't many trees but it was still beautiful.

"Don't be so nervous Reagan," Taylor reassured me. I nodded, not believing his words. I know this is going be one hell of a ride.

"Are you insane like me?  Been in pain like me. Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?" I sang quietly. I have to admit my singing isn't the best but it's not too bad either.

"Okay Halsey we're here," Ace muttered. I looked outside and I dreaded it. I hate hospitals. They can inject you with something you don't even know what it is and you can possibly die. I've seen a lot is serial killers who were doctors. They never suspect those people.

"Get on!" I looked over and saw Ace hunched over. I quickly hopped on and we started walking in.

"Psst Ace," I whispered in his ear making sure Taylor wasn't hearing us.


"Don't you think people will be curious on why you're carrying me?"

"It's none of their business," he rolled his eyes and I nodded, agreeing.

Maybe this won't be so bad? Yeah, knowing me this will probably all backfire.

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