Chapter 14

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Might be triggering to some people, beware.


After he pulled the cup away my vision instantly became blurry and I had to hang onto the closet thing which was indeed the school'sbiggest player. He led me into the kitchen and set down a couple of shots in front of me.

"Come on Reagan, drink it." On command I took one of the glass cups and drank it, following the next ten.

In total I drank about fifteen shots and I was more than just drunk. Toby, the player, grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs.

"Toby where we we going? I want to have more fun!" I whined, stopping Toby in his tracks. He turned around quickly and smiled sweetly.

"We're going to have more fun upstairs babe trust me," he winked and my heart instantly melted. I followed behind me like a lost puppy and when we entered a room I as met by two of his other friends.

"Oh hi Zack! Hi Zeke!" I waved drunkily, walking toward the bed. I tripped midway and I almost fell to the floor but Zeke caught me halfway. 

I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek," Thank you my good knight!" He set me down on my bed and shook his head, smiling.

"Reagan! You know my friends Zeke and Zack." I nodded and he smiled again, except this time it wasn't sweet it was more evil. I shivered and instantly sat up, knowing something wrong was going to happen.

"Um I need to go find Olivia she needs m-" I was cut off by the devil herself coming in. She locked the door and I gave her a confused stare.

"Olivia! I think we should go," i muttered to her.

"Why go? The party has only just begun!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't worry just lay down and relax." She pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. She starts kissing my neck and I instantly became a sober as I could be.

"Olivia! What are you doing?!"  I instantly shouted, trying to push her away but two arms grabbed mine and held me down.

I looked up and saw Zack eyeing me hungrily, holding my hands down.

"Don't worry babe. We're just going to have some fun. Well, I know I will," she kissed me on the cheek and started moving her hands all over me.

I squirmed under her but she just kept going.

"Don't worry! I'm not the on going to have fun with you. It'll be my boyfriend, Toby."

Her boyfriend? Okay what the hell is going on?

"Olivia please let this be a joke!" I told her trying to scoot away from Toby as he replaced where Olivia was at only moments ago.

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