Chapter 7

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Should I change my name to Aesthetic_Kim ?


My grasp on the phone loosened and my phone fell to the floor. I couldn't muster up anything and all I did was stare blankly at the wall.

"Hello? Miss? Are you okay?"

I could hear the person on the other line talking but I just ignored it. Tears brimmed at the edges of my eyes and all I could hear was my parents laughing and then I hear screams and a loud bash as the two cars make contact.

A tear fell from my eye and that's all it took for me to run up to my room and lock the door. A sob escaped my lips as I slid down the door. I put my knees up to my chest and I laid my head on my knees. I sobbed as a knock erupted from the door. I couldn't stand. I could barely see through my blurry vision. I got up from the floor and this time I just fell on my bed. I cried into my pillow and all I could hear was screaming and knocking on my door. The knocking made it worse as I envisioned my parents making contact with a car and the pounding on the door was what made the loud crash. I screamed into my pillow and as if the world was hearing my calls, thunder boomed outside.

I flinched slightly and cried some more. I heard a door make contact harshly with a wall and I looked up as Ace, Calum, Harper, and Olivia walked in my room. They looked at me with concern but I just laid my head down on the pillow.

They don't care! My mind screamed at me. They just feel pity for you! They don't care!

I held my hands to my ears and I shook my head.

They do care! Don't listen to it! They do care! Another voice said softly. Both of the voices yelled at each other and I clutched my head as a headache formed. I felt someone sit on the bed and rub circles on my shoulder.


When I finally finished crying it was about noon and the person was still here, rubbing circles. The tears soaked my pillow and the storm outside was still brewing. The tears were dried on my face and I was just laying there, once again numb.

Life hates you!

Life is just getting you ready for what's coming up ahead!

I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Here's some pills." Ace handed me two white pills and I took the gracefully. He handed me a glass of water and I chugged down the medicine. Everybody left and it was just Ace and I in the room.

"Are you okay?"

"My headache is probably going to die down soon." I shrugged.

"No I mean are you okay?"

"Im as fine as I could be right now." He nodded and I sat up straight. "What time is it?" I asked.

"12:43." Ace said pulling out his phone. "Do you want to come downstairs and watch a movie to keep your mind of things?"

"I guess." He nodded and we both got up. "Let me just change." He nodded and left the room. I closed the door behind him and locked it. I went to my closet and grabbed a sweater and my sweats. As I took off my jumper and noticed the bandages were now almost falling off. I peeled off all five of the bandaids and tossed them into the trash. The cuts were still a little red so I carefully tugged on the sweater. I put on the sweats afterwards and pulled some soft socks on my feet.

When I got downstairs everyone was there. I blinked. They talked amongst themselves and I silently sat down next to Ace. Everyone glanced at me when I sat down and gave me sympathetic looks. They looked away as I looked at them.

Ace put his arm around me and I snuggled up into him. Calum and Damien glanced my way a couple times and I ignored them.

"What movie are we going to watch?" Edward asked, breaking the silence.

"What movie do you want to watch Reagan?" Harper asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled. They're only giving me so much attention because something bad happened. They wouldn't act like they cared if the crash didn't happen.

"Let's watch Insidious yeah?" Calum suggested and they nodded. I didn't say anything and they just put the movie on.

I wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. All I was doing was looking out the window and I flinched everytime lightning boomed outside. I looked around the room and noticed mostly everyone was hiding under someone.

Calum was hiding under Damien, Olivia on his other side, and Edward into Ben. I was cuddling into Ace and he still had his arm wrapped around me.

"You okay?" Ace nudged me.

"'M fine." I muttered. I'm really not fine at all. I still have the minor headache and the noise from outside and from the movie are making it worse.

"'M going to my room." I muttered to Ace.

"I'll come with you." I nodded and he followed me. The guys glanced at us as we walked and when we were out of hearing range Ace started talking.

"I have bad news." Ace muttered.

"Great! Just fücking great!" I turned towards Ace.

"Uh since the storm still hasn't passed you'll have to stay here since the planes can't really work in the storm." I frowned and I just nodded. More bad news. And I thought it couldn't get worse. Well, it did.

When we entered my room I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone. I plugged it into some speakers with the bluetooth and put it on a random playlist.

Heart beats fast, colors and promises.

"You have the most depressing music ever!" Ace groaned, falling onto my head. I giggled and Ace smiled. He grabbed my phone and went on Youtube.

Always aiming paper airplanes at me when our around

"Come on! Dance with me!" I giggled as Ace danced crazily. I actually love Melanie.

"But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly and your dictionary is destroyed." Ace sang the lyrics and I laughed. He was so out of tune and he was dancing like a maniac. He grabbed my hand and pushed me off the bed. He grabbed my hands in his and started swinging them around.

"Come on Reagan. Loosen up!" He whined. After a second I started dancing and singing loudly with Ace. This is probably the most fun I've ever had since I've been here.

Maybe this guy isn't so bad.


After our dancing and singing fest we both got yelled at by Damien for being loud. I hid behind Ace and all he did was raise an eyebrow. After Damien left Ace did too saying he had to go out with the guys.

Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil weren't home so I was all alone. I went downstairs and there was a mess everywhere! I groaned and started cleaning up. If they're letting me stay here I might as well just clean. Plus I'm bored.


As I finally finished I wiped the sweat from my forehead. This place was sparkly clean! Not really, but it's better than how it was before. I had thrown away all the trash, put the bills into a stack, and I organized everything.

"I should really get something to drink," I mumbled to myself. It was already two and the boys are just about to get here. The music, that I turned on while cleaning, was playing in the background as I got a glass of water.

As I finish my glass and set it down on the island I hear the front door open. There are some groans and some fumbling. My eyebrows furrow and I go to the front door.

What I see make me slightly gag. Ace and Ben are carrying a half conscious Damien who has blood all over him.

"What happened?" I ask, getting closer to them.

"Don't come any closer!" Calum yells.

"Why not?" I stop for a second before getting closer.  As I do get closer I notice two bullets holes and my eyes roll to the back of my head. As I fall to the floor I hear a yell.

"Reagan!" Then, my vision turns black.

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