Chapter 19

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Alternative Ending:

P.s most of this story will be the same as Chapter 17 but I will change some of it! If you want to skip the part that I repeated go to the point where it has a '*'!


My mind goes back to reality and I realize I'm still in the room. I'm sitting down on the chair, tears running down my face.

My hands come up to my hair and pull at it. I don't feel any pain as I do. Just like in my feet, it's numb. Everything feels numb.

All I can see and feel is that day. That horrid day. That day I killed someone.

I start punching my thighs and a sob rakes from my chest. Suddenly, I feel two hands grab my hands and I gasp starting to fight to get away from them.

"Reagan! Stop! Snap out of it!" I look up abruptly and see the face of Taylor. He looks at me worrid covering his face and I just shake my head. I can't deal with the pain.

"T-Taylor," I whisper. I look up at me and my heart breaks. Tears at running down his face and his eyes have sadness written all over them.

"Taylor I can't- don't want to live anymore! I know I'm just being selfish but maybe I wasn't meant to be here!"

"Reagan please please don't say that. It hurts me everytime you say that and I will never be able to deal with that." Taylor tells me.

By now Taylor is cupping my cheeks. We're looking into each others eyes and I can feel it. I feel the love we have for each other. I can't explain it, but it just hit me. The way he looks at me and I know I'm looking at him the same way.

"Taylor," I whisper my breath hitching when his face starts coming close to mine.

"Reagan," he whispers back," I love you a-and not in the friends way but in the love love way."

"Taylor, I love you too."

Our lips are so close to each other. If I move any closer they would be touching.

"There you guys ar-oh! Okay I'll just leave," Ace barges into the room and I sigh, my head flopping down and missing Taylor's lips by a millimeter.

"Ace!" Taylor whines and I crack a half smile. I lift my head up and Taylor gives me a wink.

"Alright love birds we have got to get going," Ace said, leaving us alone.

"That idiot," I hear Taylor mutter. I crack a smile and he smiled at my smile.

"So where were we?"

Our faces are closing in and I can feel his breath brushing my face and his smooth lips almost reach mine. Almost.

"Hurry up! Guys!"

We both groan and we walk out, Taylor helping me out.

"Okay Reagan we can get through this," Taylor said to me as we reached our house.

"Taylor, you don't understand. Okay, I love you! I do but what if-"

"Reagan! There are too many what if's and you have to focus on the present, on what's happening now."

I keep quiet taking in what he said but it just doesnt make sense to me. Ignoring what I really want to say, I nod at him. He intertwines our hands and we walk in the house.

Since it's night by now we decide to head to bed. We walk up to my room and I grab some clothes. I turn to Taylor and raise my eyebrow.

"Are you gonna leave?" I ask.

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