Chapter 12

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"What the fück!"

I groaned and quickly opened my eyes at the sound of the frantic voice. Ace was standing there and his face was a ghost white.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worridley trying to figure out what was wrong. Then I saw what he was pointing at, he was pointing at my leg. The leggings had been rolled up and you could clearly see my,now evident, tattoos.

"Shît," I muttered, looking anywhere but at him. He found out damn it wh- wait just a minute! Why was my leggings rolled up. This perv shouldn't be rolling up my pants.

"What the hell were you doing?" I asked rolling down the leggings.

"You were starting to sweat so I thought that you were hot so I rolled up your leggings! I'm sorry!" I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion and he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway why didn't you tell us about your tattoos?"

"None of your business now if you could just leave that would be wonderful!" I gave a him a sarcastic sweet smile and he left.

As soon as he did my smile turned  into a frown as I traced the tattoos on my legs. There were many, many skulls with roses over them. I had all my families initials on my ankles and just random tattos. Not all tattoos have meanings they're just there because you like them.

I groaned and rolled off my and to the ground. I gave out a huff as I landed on my back. I should've put some blankets or pillows out. I got on my knees and crawled to my bag. I got out some white high waisted shorts, a black crop top, and my black doc martens. Now that he knows I have tattoos there's no point in hiding it. I crawled into the bathroom and gave out a sigh.

Okay now how am I going to shower?


Once I finished showering, which is pretty hard when you can't use your feet to stand, I put on my clothes with difficulty and crawled into my bed. My wet hair soaked my pillow but I didn't care.

A knock broke me out of the staring contest with the ceiling. I stood up and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Come in," I yelled. The door pushed open and I was surprised as I saw Taylor walking through the door and locking it behind him. I gave him a curious stare as he sat down in front of me.

"I got you a present and I know that you know that I don't like it but I think this will help especially since they took yours." I gave him a confused stare as he pulled out the bag of weed. I never told him that. As if reading my mind he said,"Ace."

I nodded and grabbed the bag. I went to open it but the door knob twisted making me put it under my pillow. I mentally thanked Taylor for locking it. Taylor walks over and unlocked it. Ace sauntered in and set down something on the bed before leaving.


I grabbed whatever it was and looked over it. It's an envelope and I gave out a confused look as I read it over.

Andrea Park

I don't know any Andrea Park. I throw the envelope on the floor and take out the bag again. Taylor locks the door, again, and sits down next to me. He takes out his phone and ignores everything I'm doing.

I grab the contents inside and a peice of paper. I roll it and grab a small lighter I keep in the nightstand. I can see Taylor eyeing my every move as I light it up and blow out the smoke.

I instantly feel relaxed and my mind wanders into Neverland. I hear coughs next to me and see Taylor trying to air out the smoke from his face. I grin at him while he just grimaces.

I roll my eyes at his behavior and he takes the blunt away from me.

"Hey! What the hell is that for?" I grab the blunt back while he just stands up.

"Look I have to tell you something and it's really important and I swear if your back to those days I don't know what I'll do."

He looks like he's about to cry. Obviously being the great friends I am I threw away the blunt and pulled Taylor back on the bed.

"What? Taylor what's wrong?" I worry as he takes in a sharp breath.

"Don't lie to me Reagan." His voice is serious.

"Are you cutting again?"


Hello my beautiful readers!

I'm back and I know its short but here you go!

Hope you enjoyed!

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