Chapter 13

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"What?" I asked, baffled at his question.

"I'm serious Reagan. Are you cutting again?" He asked again. I'm instinct I scooted away from him, almost falling off the bed but I caught myself before I fell.

"No," I muttered looking anywhere but at him.

"Look at me," he demanded and I slowly looked up at him. "Why?"

"I told you I'm not Taylor!" I whisper yelled.

"Show me your arms!" Angrily, I showed him my arms. Anyway, he would've seen my scars since I have a crop top on. He would be able to see if I did it anywhere he could see. I'm not stupid.

After he looked at any visible place he could see and found nothing he gave a sigh and plopped down next to me.

"I'm sorry I accused you," he muttered guiltily. Now I feel guilty for lying to him but it's what I have do.

"It's fine."

"What's that?" Taylor asked looking at the box that Olivia gave me.

"I don't know, but Olivia gave it to me," i muttered glancing at the box and back at Taylor.

"Lemme see it," I handed him the box and I could see Taylor's kaw clench and his hands gripped the box so hard his hands were turning white.

"What's in it?" I asked trying to look inside. Before I could though, Taylor got up, still staring inside. I slowly got on my knees, still on the bed, and looked inside the box.

Taylor tried to close it before I could see inside but it was too late.

Scattered in the box were dozens of razors and pictures. Bad, bad, bad pictures. Pictures of when the- I can't! I let out a shaky sob before dropping to the ground.

I can't believe they took pictures! Tears stream down my face as I start to remember that night.

"Come on!" My bestfriend Olivia practically dragged me to her room. "We have to get ready!" She took out to dresses from her closet and showed me them.

The first one was a sparkly red dress that went down to right above the knees and it showed a lot of the cleavage.

The second was a black dress that was tight from the top to the waist and flowed out to the knees. It was a matte black color and it was a sleeveless dress.

I didn't really care what kind of dress I wore, but the black was really cathing my eye.

"Pick one!" She squealed.

"The black one!"

"I knew you would want that one!" She threw it in my hands and I caught it just at the last second.

"Put it on in my bathroom, I'll put mine on here!"

She pushed me into the bathroom and I quickly went to putting it on. Now, I don't want to sound too cocky, but this dress as perfect. It huggef my curves in every right way and it showed enough cleavage. All in all, I looked pretty hot!

I chuckled to myself and arm out the bathroom to see Olivia already doing her makeup. The dress looked really good on her too. Although I could see a lot of boobs I didn't want to see but hey! Who am I to judge?

"You look great! I'm jealous!" She gushes and I just roll my eyes.

"Sit down! I'm going to do my makeup and then I'll do yours!"

About and hour and a half later I'm already on my way to my first party. I could feel the nerves kicking as we arrived late to the party. Olivia told me that we're fashionably late but I just rolled my eyes at her. This woman and her crazy ideas.

We got out of her car and we walked over to the house. I didn't wear any heels like Olivia, I just put on some sandals that wrap around my ankles.

Now, I won't lie to you and tell you the house was big. It was huge. It was about three stories high and it was just so huge!

I fawned as I walked in. It's so pretty!

"Reagan!" I turned as I saw the school's biggest player. I have him a confused stare and he practically forced a cup in my mouth. Before I could say anything I was swallowing the burning liquid.

Once he pulled away the cup I was taken into a world of drinks, highs, and lows.


Hello my good readers! Another short update but I hope you like!

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