Chapter 9

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"Damien! Calum! Ace! Edward! Ben!" I cried out trying to get their attention. "Someone!" I groaned and I huffed looking around the bathroom. I decided on just walking on my toes and got up.

I put my toes on the cold, tile floor and tried tip toeing to my room, but I failed and fell into the floor. I groaned and got up. I balanced myself in my toes which is pretty hard.

"Reagan!" On instinct I turned around and planted my feet firmly on the ground. As soon as I did pain shot up through my legs. I fell to the floor in my knees and cursed. Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes and I took in a sharp breath. "Shït! Reagan!" I looked up as Ace came towards me and picked me up. I looked down at me feet and noticed blood seeping through the gauze. "Where did Damien go?"

"I don't know, he just left me in there," I responded, shrugging. He sighed and picked me up. "Hey! Watch it! Put me down!" I pounded my fist into his back but instead of listening to me he just kept walking upstairs. I sighed and let him take me to a room. His room. "Why are we here?" I asked, looking around the room. His walls were a bright white and his bed was a solid red. He put me on his bed and kneed down.

"Lay down," I did as he said and laid my back against the red sheet. He studied my feet before sighing. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. All you have to do is stay off them." He said.

"How am I going to walk than? How am I going to go back to California?!" I propped myself up and looked at him. I was panicking. My heart started racing and my vision was getting blurry. "What am I going to do?! How am I going to see my family?!" My voice was raising and so was my heart.

"Reagan! Calm down, it'll be okay. You're going to see your family and you'll be okay," he wrapped his arms around me. "You'll see your family tomorrow. The storm clears out tomorrow and I'm going with you." He said, which confused me beyond.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Why was he coming with me? I could go alone and I can stay with Taylor and his mom.

"You are going tomorrow and I'm coming with you. That's the only way my parents will let you go." He stated.

"No! 'Cause if you go that means that soon you'll leave and I have to with you! You're not going!"

"Reagan I have to."

"No! This isn't your parents choice!"

"Reagan ju-"

"No! Just give me some space." I stood up to leave but immediately regretted it as my feet screamed in pain.

"Reagan, just lay down I'll leave." He pushed me down onto the bed and left the room straight after. I balled the sheets in my hands and groaned. I punched the bed and sighed.

I'm way too tired to function and I'm really stressed. I laid down on my back and closed my eyes. Maybe a nap will be good for me.


"Reagan get up!" I jumped up from the bed and rolled to my side, landing on the floor with a thud. I groaned and Ace cursed. He grabbed me by my hips and laid me gently back on the bed. "Come on, you have to eat," he says, grabbing me by the arm. He tugs me up and over his shoulder, dragging me out the door.

Too tired to fight back I slump down on his back and let him take me to where ever it is he's taking me.

As soon as we enter the kitchen everyone goes quiet. Ace sets me down on a stool and sits on my right. On my left is Olivia, next to her is Ben, and next to Ben is Edward. On Ace's right sits Damien eating his meal.

I look down at the food and my senses fill with the smell. It's a freshly made burger and some chips on the side.

"Where is your mom and dad?" I ask looking at Ace.

"They're still stuck at my aunt's house. The storm is pretty bad there and tomorrow you'll be leaving so you better pack your bags later," Edward says for Ace. I glance at him and nod.

"Hey Reggy. How's your arm- I mean neck doing?" Olivia asks, smirking at me.

"Fine," I glare at her. She smirks at me one more time before taking a bite of her burger.

"Don't worry Reagan, I made sure the bread didn't have any corn," Ace whispers in my ear. I nod at him before grabbing the burger and taking a bite of it.


After we ate Olivia and the guys talked about school and different things while I stayed silent. I wanted to go back upstairs to my room but Ace wouldn't let me.

"Come on Ace you can just leave me there and I'll just get everything." I muttered.

"Fine!" He roughly grabbed me by the waist and hoisted me up on his shoulder. I yelped in surprise by his sudden movements and he started walking me to my room. When he got to my room and set me on the bed and left quickly. I huffed as I looked around.

This is going to take a lot of time...


I plopped down on the floor and sighed in relief. I finally finished packing. Ace came up once to help me and gave me food but he quickly left. My suitcase was packed and I was ready to just sleep the night away.


"What?" i asked Ace as he came in the room.

"Be ready by 10 tomorrow so we can leave and have things ready," and with that he left my room and instead of just crawling back into my bed I got comfortable on the ground, grabbed a blanket and a pillow, and fell asleep.

Sorry this chapter is super sucky and short I just needed to update and so I rushed it. Sorry :(

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