Chapter 4

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"What the fück are you doing here?" Olivia sneers as soon as she walks into my room. She locks it behind her and I frown.

"Mom thought it would be a good idea to send me here," I whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"After the incident I was forced to move so I wouldn't do you anymore harm." She smirks at me and I roll my eyes. "Now bìtch you better not say anything about what happened back in Cali or else I'll tell the guys about your little problem." She glances at my arms and I know what she means. I glare at her and she smirks.

"You wouldn't."

"We both know I would so if I were you I would shut it," with that she walks out of my room and slams the door. I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

This day just keeps getting better and better!

I roll my eyes at my thought and jump on the bed. I pulled my suitcase on the bed and took out my sketchbook. I opened to a blank and started drawing the face. I drew two almond shaped eyes. I drew the outline of the eyebrows. I drew the lips. Then I faded and drew wrinkles where they are supposed to be.

As I finished I looked back and my eyebrows creased, angrily. I drew him. He's the one in my nightmares and I drew him! I ripped the page out, crumbled it up and threw it at the small trash can in the corner. It landed a couple inches away from it and I huffed.

I kicked my sketchbook on the ground and set myself under the covers. I turned off my lap light and the dark covered the room. I stared at the ceiling for so long that everything started o get even darker as if the room was caving in on me. I blinked and it went back to normal. I closed my eyes and snuggled into the small teddy bear. With the help of the teddy bear I slowly feel asleep.


"She's going to get mad at you," a voice said, simply. I could practically hear the annoyance in their voice.

"She might but it's going to be funny." Another voice added.

"She was holding onto that bear when she got here and she's holding on to it tightly. Let's just go." The first voice said.

I sat up quickly and I glared at the person reaching out for my bear. Calum shreaked and I raised an eyebrow, not amused.

"Um, hi..." Calum waved at me and Damien just rolled his eyes, leaving.

"Leave!" I pointed at the door.

"Just one question."


"Who's this?" He held up my drawing fom last night and I glared at him.

"Get out and throw that away."

"I just want to know who that is." Calum shrugged.

"You want to know who it is cause I'll tell you." I heard her voice and my eyes went to the door. She was leaning against the door frame smirking.

I grabbed Calum's hand and kicked him out. I closed and locked the door behind him and I turned to Olivia who was smirking.

"You tell anybody and I will hurt you." I threatened. She didn't seem fazed by my threat and just sat down on my bed.

"Why not? Reggy?" She used the nickname that he gave me and I glared at her. I was suddeny holding her against the wall my hand wrapped around her neck.

"Don't call me that!" I seethed.

"Come on Reggy! Show me the real you!"

I threw my hand back to punch her but got a person got a hold of it and I was shocked. The person used this at their advantage and pushed me off of Olivia. I fell on the gound and Olivia coughed.

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