Chapter 2

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"My oldest son, Ace, is in the middle." Harper exclaims and I look in the middle where a tall guy glares at me. His grey eyes stare at me before he rolls his eyes. He has black hair, he is wearing a black v neck and jeans.

"Next is Ben who is on his left," I look towards Ben and notice that he is looking at the teddy bear in my hands. He raises an eyebrow and looks away. He has brown eyes like his mom, black hair, black shirt, and some sweats.

"Then, there is Calum and Damien. Calum has brown hair and Damien has black hair." I nod and look towards the twin who are next to Ben. Calum and Damien both wear similar things. Such as a grey shirt except Damien is wearing black sweats while Calum is wearing grey ones.

"Lastly, there is Edward." The shortest one of them all gives me a small smile and nods. I nod back and notice that he also has brown hair. He has grey eyes, black t-shirt, and black jeans. I give them all a small smile and wave.

"Hey," I mutter.

They nod back and Ace rolls his eyes.

"Can we go now?" Ace asks, clearly annoyed.

"Ace! Don't be so rude!" Harper gasps, smacking his arm. They're all muscular but not to the point where it's just disgusting. Even Edward has muscles, unlike my puny arms.

The guys chuckle while Ace just rolls his eyes, leaving the room. Everyone follows him except Ben who stands in his spot awkwardly.

"Ben show Reagan her room." He nods and he motions for me to follow him.

"Sweetie!" I turn towards Harper. "Your luggage will be in your room in a minute and I'll call you down for dinner." I nod and she walks off with her husband trailing behind her like a lost puppy.

"So Reagan wanna come to my room for a minute," he winks at me and I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"Nope." I hear a laugh and turn to Edward who snickers.

"You just got rejected dude!" Ben rolls his eyes but keeps walking.

As we reach my room he opens the door and he walks in. I trail behind him and look around the room.

There are purple walls, a white desk, purple and white sheets, and two other doors.

"Here's your room have fun," Ben muttered before walking out. I still have the teddy bear in my hands as I stand in my spot in the middle of the room. I remember that I haven't called Taylor and take my phone out. I unplug the headphones which have been playing the whole time and leave them on my bed. I scroll through my phone before calling Taylor.

"Reagan! Finally you called! I was getting bored." He says.

"Oh so I'm just your entertainment."

"Yep pretty much." It's quite for a couple of seconds before he bursts out laughing. "That sounded so wrong!"

"Just like you." I sing.


"You love me!"

"Yeah yeah." He continues,"How's everyone there? Any people I have to beat up?"

"No. Not yet. But I may have a few people in mind even though you know I can handle myself." I heard him mumble something I couldn't muster before replying.

"I'm just offering you help."

"How's Gabe?"

"That poor little thing has been crying ever since you left." He mutters, sadly. I can already imagine my eight year old brother's face in a pout and tears coming out of his eyes.

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