Chapter 3

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"Reagan, get up!" I grumble and hide more in the covers.

Suddeny, weight is on top of me and I groan. The weight comes off of me and I glare at the culprit.

"Calum I will hit you in the balls if you don't shut up!" I seethe.

"Okay okay! Mom just said to wake you up." He raised his hands in the air. I grumbled under my breath and got out of bed. Without changing I walked to the kitchen and I was greeted by the whole family.

"Morning, Reagan!" Harper chirped.

"Morning," I grumbled. "Why'd I have to wake up so early?" I questioned.

"Because I wanted to tell you that since today is Friday you won't be attending school until Monday and you'll be by yourself since Mark and I work in the mornings." I nodded and mentally cheered.

I don't have to go to school today! Maybe I can call Taylor or Gabe!

I finally noticed that everyone was looking at me.

"What?" I snapped. Yeah, I'm grumpy in the morning.

"Nothing, Cupcake just looking at you piercings." Damien muttered and then glared at me.

Fück you.

"Whatever." I say.

"Ok so we'll get going. I'll see you later sweetie!"

Good maybe now I can go back to my bathroom and do harmful things to my body.

By then everybody has left and I'm left alone in a house I'm not familiar with. I so feel at home.

I walk to my room and quickly make sure no one is home before I run to my bathroom.


After my little session in the bathroom, I cover my cuts in bandages and cover them by putting a grey jumper on, some black sweats, and my panda socks. I put my hair up in a messy bun and walk around the house.

On the floor I'm at there are six bedrooms and two bathrooms. I mean I have a bathroom in my room and I'm pretty sure so do the other rooms. On the second floor there is one bedroom, probably for Harper and Mark, a gaming room, and a screening area. On the last floor is the living, the kitchen, an extra bedroom, and an indoor pool. The backyard is huge and it consists of a pool and bunch of soccer and football stuff.

I go back inside and notice another door probably leading to the basement. As I reach for the door a voice behind me stops me.

"What the fück are you doing?" I turn around and I'm met with Damien.

"I was just looking around," I shrug.

"You never go in there got it?" I roll my eyes but nod.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I question, crossing my arms.

"Mom told me to check up on you when I had a free period," he grits his teeth.

I nod and then walk past him, but he grabs my upper arm.

"You are going to ignore you ever saw this room. Got it?" He seethes. I roll my eyes and nod and he let's go of my arm forcefully. He walks ahead of me shoving my shoulder and I glare at him.

"Watch where you're going O'Neil." I glare at him and he stops.

"You better watch your mouth before it gets you in trouble," he looks back at me and then walks away. I glare at his retreating figure and turn back to the door. I look around and when I reach for the door he stops me again.

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