Chapter 11

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"We're here!"

I looked up at the hospital room.


I gave out a huge sigh and Ace grabbed the doorknob. He pulled it and the door came open.

Time to do this!

As soon as we entered the room a heavy silence fell among us and they all watched me carefully as I watched my mom, dad, and brother lying down on the hospital beds.

My mom didn't look too scratched up she only had a bruise on her left cheek and her arms had a few gashes but nothing compared to my brother and dad.

My brother and dad had gashes everywhere and they were covered in bruises. Out of both of them I would say that my dad looks the worse. He had a huge cut going down from his neck and then it disappears in the hospital gown.

Tears start to appear at the corners of my eyes and I blink them away, not want to cry in front of Ace and Taylor.

Ace gently sets me down on the chair in between my mom and dad's hospital beds and I let out a shaky sigh.

The monitor beeps and beeps and beeps and beeps. Knowing the beeps continue I know that I haven't lost any of my family. My moms, dads, and brothers monitors beep in sync and I let the beeps sooth me until I'm can enough to stop shaking.

My hands grip my parents and I let out a huge sigh.


"What?!" I quickly turn around panicked.

"We've been trying to get you back to reality for the past five minutes!" Taylor informs me leaning back into a chair.

"Sorry I was lost in thought," i muttered, holding down the bike rising in my throat or it could be a sob but either way I'm not letting it out.

"Are you okay?" Ace asks. From the corner of my eye I see Taylor shake his head and sigh.

"Yeah I'm totally fine! It's not like my parents and brother are in a hospital and could be on the verge of dying!" I snapped at him and he raised his eyebrows raising his hands in defence.

"Sorry, I was just trying to be polite."

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"It's alright."

And just like that silence over came us like a wave. As the beeps continued out of the corner of my eye, I saw something shift. I snapped my head to the movement and saw my brother opening his eyes.

"Gabe! Oh my god are you okay!? Do you need anything?!" I asked frantically trying to get up but failing to do so as my feet were still in pain.

I slapped Ace's arm and gestured for him to move me so I could see my brother and after a couple seconds he gave in muttering something about a stupid girl and glass.

I ignored him and he sat me down next to my brother.

"Reagan?" He mumbled looking around the hospital room, confused. "You're here! How did you get here?"

"I just got here today. Now I need you to just rest and sleep,"I ran my fingers through his hair and he laid back down a little and his eyes roamed around my face not know I I was real or not.

Sure enough he went to sleep a couple minutes after and I just sighed.

Why my family?


Finally everyone was awake and the doctor was in here explaining everything.

"Okay so I'm Doctor Arnold. When your mother first came here she didn't really look injuried and she only really had one bruise and she's gotten better. I'd say tomorrow she can go back home but she has to rest. I will give you medication for the pain and anything else you will need.

"As for your brother and father. They didn't show up here looking too good. Your little brother, Gabe, had a lot of bruises and he had many gashes around his arms and neck and he had a huge one going from his upper back to his lower back. We almost lost him with all the blood lost but he made it though. He has been getting better but he's still going to be here for a couple more days to keep the stitches in on his back and have everything under control.

"Your dad was far worse than him though. He had one large gash going from the left side of his neck to his stomach and when we found him he wasn't breathing. Luckily we didn't lose him and we had to take him to immediate surgery. He also had many other large gashes and bruises but that was the biggest one. Now he w/o be in her for another week or so maybe two but that's just because we dont want those stitches to break and for him to bleed to death."

"Wow," I muttered. "You guys had one hectic couple of day." They all chuckled at my response and I just smiled.

I can't believe my family had to go through this. My little brother had to go through this for god's sake! I wish it was me and not him! He's too young to be having to deal with this kind of thing. Kids his age should worry about what color he should be coloring his picture or if he colored in the lines not when the next time you'll be hit be.

Now he will probably never want to be in another car again.

"Reagan? When am I going home?" Gabe asked. I was still in the same position I was when he fell asleep and even though my body was aching to move I didn't want to get up knowing that if I do that I'll have to save my brother.

"I don't know but I promise it'll be soon," I whispered and he just nodded looking out the window. The moon in the sky gave light into the room and it look beautiful.

"Reagan come on it's time to go." I looked behind me and saw just in time as Ace came into the room. He left after the doctor came in because he wanted to go home and rest for a little bit.

"Gabe. I have to go but I promise I'll come visit you as soon as I can tomorrow." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and did the same for my mom and dad.

I left on Ace's back carrying me through the halls. The last thing I remember was him putting me into his car and than lights out for me.


I'm not dead!

I'm so sorry this took me so long to update and it's crappy but I hope you like it?

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