Chapter 5

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Harper and Ace tried to get me to eat but I didn't comply. Ace ended up getting annoyed and yelled at me for being so stubborn. I just stared at him the whole time and he got even more mad. He even slapped. I didn't feel the pain. I just felt my head turn.

I glared at him and he felt sorry. When he apologized and I just stared at him he went back to being angry. He left my room, slamming the door while I just stayed in the same position.

My mom was wrong. Coming here was a bad idea. Nobody likes me. They all hate me. I've been threatened today. My blunt was taken away from me. I got slapped. Probably the worst three days of my life.

Harper came in a little after seven telling me to come to dinner or else Ace would get me. I complied this time and walked behind Harper.

As I reached the dining table everyone turned to look at me. Everyone just stared at me. My eyes were bloodshot from all the staring at the ceiling and the crying. My cheeks were puffy and my air was in a tangled mess. Olivia looked at me worriedly while I glared at her.

This is all her fault! She shouldn't be worried. I sat down as far away from the others and glanced down at my food. It was steak and potatoes.

I'm allergic to potatoes.

Since the potatoes were piled on top of the steak I didn't eat it. Instead I just stared at everyone else who were eating happily. It was quiet. Probably because I was here.

"Why aren't you eating?" Olivia asked me. I glared at her.

"I'm allergic to potatoes."

"Oh I'll go fix you something else." Harper suggested while I just shook my head.

"I'll just microwave yesterday's leftovers and go to my room." Before anyone could say anything I got up and went into the kitchen. I cooked the leftovers and quietly passed the dining room.

"What are we going to do with her?"

"Mark! You can't say that!"

"I'm just saying Harper." I heard a sigh and it went quiet. I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I locked it and set the food down on my bed. I ate the food quietly and set it down next to the cup.

I was quite thirsty but I ignored the feeling. I don't want to walk past them knowing they're talking about me. During the day I got tons of calls from Taylor and my mom but I just let them ring out.

I don't feel like talking to anybody. I just feel numb. Everything's been going wrong since I got here. The only good thing about these past three days was that I made a friend. There are a tons of cons though. I heard the door rattle as if someone was trying to open it and a knock came.

"Reagan. Open up it's me." Olivia's voice called me and I furrowed my eyebrows. What does she want? She's ruined my life enough. I ignored her and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and I sighed in relief when I heard Olivia stop. I took off all my clothes and placed them in the dirty laundry basket I had set out earlier today. I got in the shower and I still felt numb. Even though the water was burning against my skin I still felt numb.

The worst part about it was that I just didn't know why I felt numb. I usually don't do this on a regular basis. I guess it's just all the people hating me in this house.

After the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out. I pulled the suitcase on the bed and pulled out my undergarments, sweatpants, and a sweater. I towel dryed my hair for about ten minutes and put the towel on top of the door so it can dry. I put my hair up into a ponytail and glanced out my window.

It was about close to midnight and it was getting cold outside. Without looking back I opened my window and crawled out. There was a three story house drop so I could possible die but I pushed the thought away. The railing on the side of the house helped me push myself up and soon I was on the roof. My hair swayed a little in the wind and I brought my knees up to my chest. The cold air nipped at my face and I could see the distant lights. The moon shown bright in the sky and two of stars lingered in the air.

One for Cindy.

One for Bailey.

I closed my eyes and laid back on the roof. The roof was angeled at an angle so I slid down a little bit when I did. My bare feet caught me and I felt a tear escape my eye.

So many memorys and so much pain.

"Reagan!" I groaned at his voice.

"Reagan where are you?" I groaned at her voice.

I crawled down the roof and when my feet touched the ledge of the window I was forcefully pulled inside. I yelped as I fell on my aśś.

"What were you doing out there?" I scowled at Olivia.

"None of your concern!" I glared at her and she glared back at me. "What do you want anyway?" I asked, still scowling.

"Mom told us to check up on you before we left." Damien replied.

"Okay you can leave now." I got up and balanced myself. Without locking the door I kicked them out and closed the door. I crawled into bed and rolled to my side. I cuddled into my bear and sighed. I should really call Taylor before he calls the police.

I grabbed my phone and hesitantly called Taylor. The phone didn't even get to the second ring before Taylor answered.

"Reagan! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's going on? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Just having a bad day." I muttered into the phone.

"What happened?" After explaining what happened to me in the last three days he grew quite.

"Why's Olivia there?" He asked angrily.

"She said she had to move after the whole thing happened." I replied. I heard a distant yell on the other line and Taylor cursed.

"Sorry Reg I have to go. My mom yelled at me. I'll call you tomorrow and we can continue talking alright?"


"Love you."

"Love you too."

He ended the call and I put my phone onto the table. Even after I talked to Taylor I still felt a little numb. I guess I'm still not ready for life, but then again who is?

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