Chapter 16

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It was like any regular day. I didn't think that I would kill two of my best friends in one day. Heck! I didn't think I'd kill anyone that day!

I was getting ready for the mall with my two best friends, Cindy and Bailey.

"Okay should I wear the Doc Martens or the combat boots?" Cindy asked gesturing to her boots. Her dyed green hair flipped as she turned towards Bailey and me. Currently, Cindy was wearing a dark blue crop top, black short, and she wiggled her sock covered toes as we looked at both shoes.

Beside me, Bailey, was pondering at both of them, wondering which one would looks best in her outfit. She was wearing the exact opposite as her eyebrows raised in thought. She was wearing a light pink dress that went to her knees, that matched her strawberry hair, and a pair of nude heels.

"Doc Martens," Bailey says and goes back to curling her hair.

"Yeah the Doc Martens," I agree putting on my black converse. I flatten out my green dress that flowed to my knees and stood up from the bed. Cindy quickly puts them on and puts on lip balm while Bailey on the other hand goes for a pink matte lipstick.

Bailey doesn't have much makeup on just mascara and the lipstick. The mascara makes her blue eyes pop.

Cindy doesn't wear any makeup and somehow it still makes her green eyes pop.

"Okay which store are we going to first?" I asked grabbing my car keys.

"Hot topic!"

"Rue 21!"

They both said at the same time and I just chuckled.

"Alright, we can go to both of them," I commented walking to the front door, Cindy and Bailey trailing behind me.

All three of us got into the car and I drove off towards the nearest mall.
While heading towards the mall we sang along to songs on the radio.

"So I heard that you and Zeke hooked up last night," Bailey commented to Cindy. I immediately tensed up and shifted in my seat, my mood immediately dropping. Cindy nor Bailey know about what happened to me and I am most likely never going to tell them.

"Oh yeah," Cindy blushed a deep red and just shrugged.

"So, when were you going to tell us?" Bailey asked, nudging her.

"I didn't think it was a big deal," Cindy shrugged.

"It wasn't a big deal?! What?! That's a huge deal!"

"Just let it go. It wasn't even that great," she shrugged,"You know what I mean?" She asked Bailey.

Bailey shook her head but in my head I was agreeing. I know what that's like. Forced to do it.

"What's wrong, Reagan?" Cindy looked over at me and I just shrugged, shaking my head.

"Nothing's wrong," I smiled. They waved it off and just kept talking while I kept silent and driving.

As soon as we reached the mall the girls ran out of my car and dragged me inside the mall. Once inside they both pills me into two different directions.

"Okay calm down! Don't rip me apart!" I yelped when they both pulled harder.

"C'mon Reagan! This way!" Bailey pulled me one way and Cindy pulled the opposite way.

"Stop!" Immediately after I said this they both stopp pulling and I pulls my arms back.

"Okay we're going to both stores, but first we're getting food. Then, we're going to Hot topic and Rue 21," Cindy cheered while Bailey on the other hand just groaned but complied.

After leaving the mall with bags in our hands we decided to go out to eat at a small diner right across the street.

"Okay so we'll get the cheese pizza," I ordered our food and walked to our booth. They both were arguing like usual and not paying any attention to their surroundings. One day they're going to get themselves killed with how they don't pay attention to anything but them.

I cleared my throat and they kept arguing. I rolled my eyes and slammed my hand on the table. That catched the attention of the surrounding booths but I ignored them. They stopped arguing and looked up at me.

"What's going on?"

"Cindy says that you go-"

"Nothing. We'll tell you in the car when we leave," Cindy interrupted Bailey and gave Bailey the stink eye.

"Okay..." I trailed off sitting next to Bailey and across from Cindy.

While we waited for our food to be served we talked about nonsense.

"So do you really think that Ms. Carchfield will make us do that huge assignment?" Cindy asked.

"I hope not I haven't even started it," I reply.

"It's due in two weeks so I think we'll be fine."

"One cheese pizza," a guy set down our pizza on the table.

"Thank you!" All three of us replied and the guy gave us a wave and a cheeky smile.

We dig into the pizza and moan at the cheesy and gooyness of the pizza. We giggle at our noises and continue to eat in silence.

When we finish eating we pile into our car. As soon as we enter the car a heavy silence seems to fill the car. I keep quiet not knowing if they are going to tell me what they wanted to tell me.

"Okay so I heard this from Zeke an I don't know if its true."

"Okay.." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"He told me you got raped by Olivia, Zeke, Zack, and Toby."

My heart stops as she says those words. My vision starts to blur and i can hear Cindy and Bailey telling me to slow down but I don't. I actually go faster.

"Reagan!" They both tell. I suddenly let go of the steering wheel and Cindy is quick to grab it and we slow down to a stop.

"Reagan? Is it true?"

I shake my head a sob coming through my lips.

"Oh m-my god," they both grab at me and pull me into a group hug. We sit there for a long time and the way my waist is twisted gets uncomfortable so I move back to my seat.

The tears on my cheek have dried up and we sit in silent.

"Just so you know nothing happened between Zeke and I. I slapped him when he told me that. That bïtch deserves so much more than a slap though," Cindy mutters angrily.

"There's nothing you can do Cindy. Whats done is done," I mutter looking out the window sadly.

"C'mon let's drive home and we can talk more about this," Cindy and I nod in agreement and I put the car into drive.

As soon as I put the car into drive a car comes out of nowhere and hits Cindy and Bailey's side head on.

The car rolls and the haunting screams of both Cindy and Bailey are the last thing I hear before my vision goes black.

Both of my best friends died. I survived with just a scratch. They didn't deserve to have their lives taken away like that. It's all my fault.





So this story may or may not be coming to an end?

Hope you enjoyed!

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