Chapter 6

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I fell asleep late last night. It was around two in the morning when I heard the door open and close downstairs and I knew that the guys were back. They always leave and come back at around this time. Not too long after either the doors across the hall closed and all you could hear were people crawling into bed ready for sleep.

I fell asleep an hour after that and I had to force sleep upon myself. I only had about three hours of sleep before I woke up to a shuffling in the room. My heart rate picked up and I sat up on my bed.

I turned on the light next to me and I saw a pair of wide eyes staring at me. I scurried out of bed and turned on the light to the rest of the room and my eyes were wide as I saw Damien look at me, calmly.

"What are you doing in here?" I whispered.

"I was just looking for something," he shrugs. He has his hand behind his back and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What were you looking for?" I didn't take my eyes off of him as I spoke.

"I was just looking for some more drugs you could've brought. Mom said to make sure you didn't have any left."

"Bullshìt now what do have behind your back?"

"It's just your drawing," he sighed taking the drawing and showing me it.

"Give that back! It's not yours to take!" I reached for it but he held it up high out of my reach. "What are you going to do with it anyways?"

"I'm just going to ask Olivia who it is," he shrugs, placing the paper in his pocket.

"It's none of your business."

"I don't care."

"Fine. You know what ask her! But I don't think she'll tell you." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Why not? I'm her boyfriend."

"Because that'll reveal something she did and I really don't think she wants you to know that."

"Know what?"

"It's not in my place to tell. Plus it includes me and you're never going to hear it." I spat and he stands there dumbfounded. "So go ahead ask her! You'll regret it though."

He left the room without saying a word and I sighed. I rubbed my temples and pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

Just a couple more months of this torture an you'll be out of here. I think to myself.

I close my door, lock it, and head for my suitcases. I open both of them up and start organizing the things in them to my room. I hung the clothes up in the closet and I put the toiletries in the bathroom. I put my undergarments in the dresser that's in closet and once I'm done I put the suitcases in the closet.

I take a sports bra, a jumper, some jeans, and my converse and put them on. I open my window and I look at the sky. The sun is barely starting to rise and it looks so beautiful. The birds start to wake up and chirp at each kther. They pass by each other and fly towards new places.

I wish I was a bird. I could be free. I could go anywhere I want. I could fly without a care in the world.

With that thought in mind I grab my phone, stuff it in my pocket, and climb put the window. There's an emergency ladder on the side of the house and I climb down from there. As I reach the ground I sprint to the side of the house and silently jump over the fence. Once I'm on the front lawn I run until I'm out of the neighborhood. I pass by a bunch of houses and people going on their morning jogs. I slow down once I reach a park and slowly walk towards the swings.

I've always loved the swings. Something about just swinging back and forth gives me life. That and music and photography. Which reminds me. I haven't touched my camera since I got here. I left it in my suitcase and I didn't take it when I was unpacking earlier.

I sat on one of the swings and pushed myself. There was still a slight breeze but other than that it was a calm and quite morning.

"Reagan?" I turned my head and I'm met with Sabrina.

"Hi Sabrina." I wave.

"Hey Reagan." She beams at me and sits down on the swing next to me.

"So what's up?"

"Nothing." I shrugged. "I woke up early and decided to walk around town and now I'm here. You?"

"I jut wanted to take a walk," she shrugged. I nodded and we swung in silence. It was the comforting silence though, not the awkward one.

"What brings you Colorado anyway?"

"Mom forced me to stay with her old friend."


"The O'Neil's." Her eyes widened and she jumped from her seat. She backed up a little and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing. I uh, have to go!" With that she ran away from me. Great! Another person hates me. I just sighed and looked down. I had stopped swinging and I was just kicking the dirt that was on the ground.

Another potential friend gone.

I sat up from the swing as the sun got higher up in the sky. They'll be waking up soon so I better head to their house before I get in trouble.

I ran to their house and in a matter of minutes I was in my room. Hopefully nobody heard me climb over the fence and climb up the ladder and to my room. It probably wouldn't matter anyways. They all hate me.

As I sat down on my bed someone knocked at the door.

"Reagan?" Mrs. O'Neil's voice came from the other side.

"What?" I hollered so she could hear me.

"Are you going to come down and eat breakfast?" She asked.

"Sure." I said. Might as well eat.

"Ok come on down then." I heard her retreating footsteps and I sighed in relief. I got up from the bed and made sure I still had my phone in my pocket before decending down the stairs.

When I entered the room things got quiet and everyone glanced at me.

"It's rude to stare." I snapped and everyone went back to eating except for Calum who watched me closely as I got a box of cereal and milk.

I didn't check which cereal I got and just poured some in a bowl. I set the box down on the table and poured some milk in the bowl. After that I put everything away and grabbed a spoon. I dug into the cereal and ate it. I glanced up as I felt stares on me.

"What?" I had a mouthful of cereal in my mouth so it sounded muffled. They shook their heads and went back to eating. I rolled my eyes.

Your skin is warm like an oven, your kiss is sugary sweet yo-

I quickly got my phone from my pocket and without checking the caller ID I answered it. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. I left the room and waited outside the door.


"Hello..?" I quickly answered the voice. I didn't recognise it at all. It was feminines voice though.

"Is this Reagan Carter?"

"Yes who is this?"

"I work with your mom and your parents and your brother got into a car crash."

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