Za's not gay

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SI: uhhhhhhhhhh???

JB: f*ck

JB: sorry bro that obviously wasn't meant for you

SI: wish it was though


SI: oh crap

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SI: oh crap

SI: hahahahhahahahahah i'm just playing you

JB:  u sure bro? i won't judge

JB: I know I'm good looking ;)

SI: I don't know that

JB: ouch bro

JB: right in the heart


SI: not really

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SI: not really

SI: but don't stress, i'm not thirsty for your d.

SI: Za's not gay

SI: at least i don't think he is

JB: brb gonna go cry my heart out



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"What are you laughing at?"

I was so startled, my phone flew out of my hand and landed on the tiled floor. "Lyss," I said breathlessly, bending down to retrieve my phone. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," She smiled sheepishly, moving from the door and coming to join me on a stool near the counter. "You've been staring at your screen weirdly for the last ten minutes."

I examined my screen for any scratches. "If you had made me crack my screen I would have killed you."

"Like you couldn't afford a new one. Now stop changing the subject. Who are you texting?"

"Do we know a Za?" I asked her.

Her face bunched up in confusion. "A what?"

"I didn't think so...." I trailed off slowly

She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue.

How could I tell her who I was texting when I didn't even know myself?

"I got a message from some guy the other night and at first i thought it was one of the guys being stupid and trying to prank me, but now i'm not so sure."

The confusion on Lyss' face increased. "What does he want from you?"

"Nothing." I took a sip of my orange juice before continuing. "He thinks i'm someone named Za."

"How do you know it's a guy? How do you know it isn't some weirdo."

"I don't." I admitted. The thought had crossed my mind, but honestly it seemed a little bit unrealistic. There's no way a stranger could have found my phone number unless it really was an accident.

"Is he cute at least?" Lyss asked teasingly, reaching over to steal a strawberry off my plate.

I shrugged my shoulders an stuck a piece of waffle onto my fork. "I don't know what he looks like." 

"Damn." Lyss was disappointed.

To be completely honest, I was too. Judging by his body, I could only imagine what his face looked like. 

"Oh wait!" I dropped my fork, "I kind of know what he looks like."

"Show me!" Lyss angled herself so she could look over at my phone. 

I scrolled through our messages until i got to the picture he sent me this morning. 

Lyss let out a low whistle. "Can i have his number?" She smiled sweetly, "Just to make sure he's not some creep of course."

I saw right through her. "Not buying it."

She took the phone out of my hand and inspected the picture closely. "He looks kind of familiar."

I snatched my phone back. "Lyss, its a chest. How can a chest look familiar?"

"You're right. Maybe i'm just delirious because i haven't had breakfast yet."

I saw her glance at my plate from the corner of my eye.

"Don't even think about it."

Knowing i was onto her she let out groan. "But we're twins! We're supposed to share everything."

"We share a kitchen." I shoved a piece of waffle into my mouth. "Go make your own breakfast." 

Under The Eiffel |  j.b ✓Where stories live. Discover now