za's still M.I.A

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She interrupted me mid-sentence, grabbing onto my arm. "No you goose seriously! Don't look now because it'll be obvious as shit but guess who just fucking walked in!"

For some reason, seeing the shock slash excitement on Alyssa's face made me feel nervous. "Who is it?" I asked, my voice shaky.

She leaned closer to me and tightened her grip on my arm before whispering lowly. "It's Justin, fucking, Bieber!"


"Are you kidding me right now?"

"Sasha I swear on my life!" She squealed excitedly. "Oh my god! He just looked this way! He saw me look at him, what the fuck Sasha, oh my god."

"What is it, what's wrong?" I wanted to look but my heart was racing so fast it felt like it was ready to burst. 

"I don't know," She said worriedly, "I don't know if i'm over exaggerating, but I swear he looked at me like he had seen a ghost and shit- it looks like he's leaving."

"What?" I said, whipping my head back to see his plaid covered back as he walked out. "How weird."

"Yeah," Alyssa agreed. "So freaking weird." 

A waiter appeared and took our order, leaving us no time to dwell on what had just happened.

I was just starting on my Ravioli, listening intently to Lyssa's plans to redecorate our apartment when my screen lit up on the table. 

I placed my fork down and picked up my phone.

"Is it mum asking how to unfollow someone on Instagram again?"  Alyssa asked in between a mouthful of lasagne. "Why are our parents so lame?" she added jokingly.

The message contained one word, but the effect it managed have on me was outrageous.

"No," I told her hoarsely. "It's Drew." 

"What," she snatched the phone out of my hand and read the message. "All it says is 'Sash', how is that him? It could be anyone?" 

"Realistically, how many people have my number? No one whose number I don't already have saved in my phone." I argued back. 

It was him. I don't know how I knew, but I just did.

"There's only one way to find out." Her fingers tapped against the phone's screen.

"What are you doing? Alyssa no!" I tried to tear my phone out of her hand but she was finished typing and was all too willing to let me have it back anyway. 

I was almost to scared to look but a combination of nerves and curiosity got the better of me. 

Lucky Charm: What do you want Drew? 

His response came almost instantly. 

6332270816: We need to talk

6332270816: Can I call you?

Lucky Charm: I'm out, I'm having dinner.

6332270816: Where?

Lucky Charm: Where do people usually have dinner when they go out 

6332270816: Don't be sarcastic

Lucky Charm: Don't ask stupid questions 

6332270816: I need to see you

6332270816: face to face

6332270816: tomorrow, midnight?

I relayed our messages to Alyssa. 

"I don't get it?" I frowned, "Is he in Australia?"

Alyssa was just as confused as me. "Ask him?"

Lucky Charm: I'm not in Australia. 

Lucky Charm: I'm in France. 

My jaw literally dropped when I read his response. 

"What the actual fuck," I breathed aloud. 

"What?" Alyssa asked anxiously. "What did he say?

"He's here." I told her, "He's in France and he wants to see me."

"Are you gonna go?" 

This was too much for me right now. I put my phone back and tried to continue eating.  "I dont want to think about this, lets talk about something else."

Alyssa was thoughtful for a moment and then her eyes light up. "I still cant believe we saw Justin Bieber." 

"Well, you did." I forked a mushroom into my mouth. "All I saw was his back."

"He's somehow even hotter in person," She said dreamily. "The only thing that could have topped this, is if he was shirtless."

"Why would he go to dinner shirtless?" 

Alyssa ignored my question and continued with a sigh, "He has the smoothest skin and don't even get me started on the tattoos on his chest--" and then she just stopped, and let out a breath."Fuck, Sasha."

I frowned. "What?" 

Her eyes widened in alarm and disbelief.  "I can't believe I didn't realise."

" What, realise what?" I probed, trying to understand what the hell she was talking about.

"Ju---Drew, and the big secret. I know what he's hiding."



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