still no za

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(Picture of Sasha, but feel free to picture her as whoever you want)

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(Picture of Sasha, but feel free to picture her as whoever you want)



True to our word Alyssa and I spent the next week and a half on an adrenaline high, with no mention of boys whatsoever.

Even if we wanted to talk about them, all the sight seeing, walking and eating meant we got home too tired to do anything but eat some more and then fall asleep tiredly.  

I had whatsapped the parents some killer shots of the coast of the White Cliffs in England, pictures of me attempting to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa, scenic shots of old age German castles, Alyssa scoffing down Cheese at a Cheese farm in Holland and so many photos of different cultural foods. 

We were winding down to the end of our trip and had just arrived at our hotel in the final stop of our Contiki tour; Paris, France. 

While our other hotels were on the shabbier side, Lyssa and I had opted to splurge for our final three nights and book a room in the Hotel Le Meurice.

Fancy, but so crazy expensive that we'd have to refrain from eating anything but ramen noodles for the next thirty five years. 

Although, once I opened our suite and saw our view of the Eiffel tower, I was suddenly okay with that. Who doesn't love noodles, am i right????

"Hurry up, they're serving lasagne in the hotel restaurant and I don't want to miss out." Alyssa called from our bedroom. 

I ignored her and continued deliberating what to do with my hair. I had wasted too much time trying to perfect my mascara. I didn't want clumpy, spidery lashes but one coat made no difference so I had to be precise.

 I was dressed in a white dress, nude strappy heels and red lips, but i still couldn't figure out what to with my hair. 

Put it up in a bun or keep it down?

If I put it up, my dress would feel too casual and i'd have to change. If i kept it down, it'd get in my way when I was trying to eat. 

"Sasha," Alyssa's annoyed groan accompanied the sound of footsteps until she was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Her hair was sleek and shiny and looked so good with her black dress. "Leave your hair as it is, it's so late that there isn't going to be anyone left in the restaurant to see it." 

True point. 

We had gotten in late after our first day of exploring Paris and while I wanted to stay in and order up, Alyssa was adamant we took advantage of the free dinners included in our stay. 

Taking another look at the mirror, my hair looked roughed up, but in a "i spent two hours making my hair look this messy" kind of way. I decided to just go with it, it's not like i'd be seeing anyone special anyway.


"I can't believe how amazing this place looks." Alyssa told me from across the table.

The atmosphere of Restaurant Le Meurice was breathtaking. It was an old style ballroom converted into a dinning area. Glowing crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and gold fringe decorated the edges of the roof. 

If it had been peak hour, i highly doubt they would have allowed me and my unsettled hair entry. 

Since it was nearing midnight (and no one in their right mind had dinner this late) it was mainly empty, aside from a few servers, an older couple in the corner and, a man sipping tea alone to our left.

"It's amazing," I told her. "Definitely worth spending half the money we had saved up on this place." 

"It's okay," Lyssa passed me a menu and opened up hers. "We'll save it all back up since the parents are letting us stay in the apartment and we don't have to move into on-campus student housing and waste all our cash on rent." 

My good mood deteriorated slightly. "I still can't believe they won't be living there when we get back." 

"Believe it," Lyss's eyes skimmed down the menu, "and say hello to freedom and parties and chocolate for breakfast and not having to see mum and dad kissing at the dinner table."

"And seeing Sawyer almost every day," I said nonchalantly, pretending to be engrossed in my menu.

"Yeah," she muttered. "I suppose that'll be a good thing."

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened between the two of you?"

 Alyssa looked up at me. Even though there were minor differences in our appearances; her eyes were tinged with green, my hair was lighter and a bit shorter, sometimes the similarities struck me deeply and looking at her felt like i was looking into a mirror.

"There's nothing to say. We met at that police graduation function Dad had to give a speech at, we went on a few dates and then they assigned him to dad's division."

I had to give it to her, if I had missed the slightest tremble in her voice I would have thought she was as okay about it as she tried to pretend she was.

"That's when he found out you were his new boss's daughter and broke it off?"

"I don't know why I'm looking at this, I know I want the lasagne." Lyssa said, closing her menu and the subject. "Are you ready to order?"

"Lyssa," I said gently, "It's okay to miss him."

"Take your own advice." There was nothing snarky about her response.

"I would, if i missed Drew." Now it was my turn to play it cool. 

"You don't miss him huh?" Alyssa teased, eyes glittering with mirth. "So if he walked right through the door right now....." she trailed off.

"I wouldn't spare him a glance."

She raised an eyebrow, obviously knowing I was lying. "You're so full of---holy shit!" Her eyes widened as she caught glance of something behind me. 

I rolled my eyes. "As if I'm falling for that. I wouldn't be able to recognize Drew in the street and I've facetimed him, you've only ever seen his chest. Not to mention, why would he even be in Paris to---"

She interrupted me mid-sentence, grabbing onto my arm. "No you goose seriously! Don't look now because it'll be obvious as shit but guess who just fucking walked in!"

For some reason, seeing the shock slash excitement on Alyssa's face made me feel nervous. "Who is it?" I asked, my voice shaky. 

She leaned closer to me and tightened her grip on my arm before whispering lowly. "It's Justin, fucking, Bieber!"



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