za's not in this one either

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"I'm ready for fourteen days of travel, sun and adventure!" Alyssa said excitedly, placing her red carry on suitcase in the shelf above our seats. 

"Let's be realistic, your idea of adventure is a marathon of Criminal Minds episodes." I took my seat by my window, dropping my backpack in front of me so i wouldn't have to crowd the narrow isles to try and get my stuff out of the overhead compartment every time i needed something. 

"Don't bring that up! You know i'm still not over Morgan leaving and i'm not ready to watch it yet."

Alyssa and I might be very similar, but our taste in men couldn't be any different. 

I was team Stefan. 

She was team Damon. 

I loved Sam. 

She preferred Dean. 

Reid was the fictional love of my life. 

Lyss would rather stare at Morgan's muscles. 

We seriously needed to get a life and stop watching so much TV. 

"You don't need Morgan," I told her once she had settled beside me. "You have your own police officer slash bodyguard." 

Alyssa's face tinged red. "Don't talk about that either." 

Her crush on Sawyer was strange. Mainly because it wasn't ever just a crush. From the moment dad had introduced us to him she was smitten. Aside from their age difference of six years, dating his boss's daughter wasn't something I imagine Sawyer would do. 

I knew something had happened between them once before, but that was something else Alyssa refused to share with me. 

"How's your love life going?" Lyssa asked, buckling her seatbelt. It was still too early for take off, some passengers had already boarded and were lugging their suitcases to their seats but the plane wasn't at full capacity yet. 


"Have you spoken to him?" She asked softly. 

I swallowed thickly, playing with the ring on my finger. "He changed his number." 

"You tried talking to him?" 

"Yeah," I shifted uncomfortably, airplane seats were so crap. "I called and a lady answered." 

"Bummer," Lissa muttered. 

"I can't believe it's been one month already." I said absentmindedly. 

"Maybe you can track him down some other way? Don't you still have his snapchat?" She asked hopefully.

"I'm beginning to think he made it after we met just to add me." I sighed. His stories had always been too strategically shot. Always aimed at someone or something else, never fully showing him in his entirety.. 

"Besides," I continued, "He might have changed his number but mine is still the same. If he wanted to speak to me, he could." 

"Damn," Lyssa said seriously. "It just sucks because you seemed to like him and I know how hard that is for you." 

"I didn't really know many boys anyway, maybe the reason I liked him so much was because he was the first guy i ever really got to know." My subconscious didn't agree with what my head was saying. Sure, it is kind of hard to meet boys at an all girls school. But the reasons behind my feelings for Drew weren't centred around my lack of male interaction, it was just how i felt. 

"I don't see what his big problem was, and i can't believe you refused to let Dad tell you, you weirdo." She elbowed my arm. 

"I don't want to know. It won't make a difference anymore. I shouldn't have pushed him so hard to begin with. I already knew he wasn't a criminal or a creep, but I couldn't just let it go." 

The plane was almost full now, and we'd be taking off soon. I clipped my seat belt in and pulling on the end until it was tight enough.

"It wasn't your fault Sash, you can't help how curious you are." Alyssa told me gently, "If anything you should blame Dad, you get your need to know it all from him." she added dryly. 

"It's whatever." Now was not the time to be dwelling about this any more than I already had. It was over and I needed to move. I pushed a strand of brown hair behind my ear. "No more boy talk this holiday. Let's just focus on having fun. Deal?" 

Alyssa smiled, showing off a perfect set of teeth. "Deal."


Short one, but i had to upload so geebieber would! If you haven't read her story, go check it out bc every chapter makes me laugh so hard!

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