someone named zawyer

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I prided myself on not being the type to scare easily. No spider or snake or clown or horror movie had the ability to give me nightmares.

But getting back from the gym in our apartment complex and not seeing my phone where I had forgotten it on the table had me having heart attacks. Plural.

Where the hell was it?

At first I thought maybe I didn't leave it on the table like I had initially suspected. So I checked my bedroom, my bathroom, the kitchen and the living room and came up empty.

Finally I decided I should just call it and since Lyss was the only other person home, I made my way to her room.

Immediately after pulling her door open I was met with the smell of alcohol. I wasn't exactly surprised, she was of legal age and she had been out with her friends earlier. But her bedroom seriously smelt like a bar and the stench was nearly making me nauseous.

"Lyss," I shook her gently, "Let me use your phone to call mine."

She let out a loud groan and rolled over and away from me.

Knowing there was no way to wake Lyss up in this state I decided to just look for her phone myself.

Ruffling under her blanket I felt around for it and then started to grow agitated when I couldn't find it.

I climbed onto her bed and shook her again, "Alyssa, where's your phone?"

She mumbled something unintelligible and swung her hand out from where she had it tucked in her arm. In it, was her iphone.

"Finally," I muttered, rolling her onto her side, just in case she vomited. Lyss was never a big drinker unless she was upset so I knew something had to have happened. I rolled the blanket up over her shoulders and made a mental reminder to ask her what was wrong when she woke up.

Creeping out of her room so I didn't disturb her sleep, I waited until I was in the living room before unlocking her phone.

I started to type in her passcode until I realized the wallpaper wasn't hers. The familiar shot of my friends and I at Movie World stared back at me. 

What the.

Why did Alyssa have my phone?

Typing in my own passcode quickly, it felt like my stomach dropped when I saw the last app opened was my messages. And she had been texting Drew.

Scrolling through their conversation had me both anxious and queasy. It was obvious what had happened. Sometime between getting home and falling asleep, Lyssa had mistaken my phone for hers. In her drunken stupor, she must have thought she was messaging Sawyer.

Now her desire to binge drink made sense, something had obviously conspired between the two and it obviously wasn't in her favour. 

But fūck, now Drew thought i was only texting him because I was trying to get over someone named Zawyer? 

I couldn't even remember If had mentioned Sawyer's name when he brought me dinner the first time Drew & I spoke on the phone, so how did i expect him to put two and two together?

I stared at the screen for a good five minutes, thinking about what to message Drew and how I could explain to him what happened. 

Finally I realized there was only one way to fix this. 

I tapped the call button but didn't bring it to my ear until I heard it ringing. 

And then the nerves multiplied. 


sorry it's short 


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