za finale

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A/N this chapter is unedited bc i'm scared that if i'll read it i'll cry ok thx for understanding fam


"You are so full of shit, you know that?" I didn't buy what he was saying for a second but that didn't stop the affect it had on me. 

He grinned and led me to a black S.U.V parked near the curb. 

Holding the door open for me, Justin waited until i was comfortably seated before joining me.

"Thanks," I said gratefully, while i buckled in my seat belt. Justin informed the driver he was ready to go and we left the car park.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I shuffled around until i was able to grab it from my back pocket. 

🐍a🐍ha: dumbass you took my phone

🐍a🐍ha: where are you

🐍a🐍ha: i want updates 

🐍a🐍ha: u ded fam

🐍a🐍ha: it's nearly 4 am and just in case you forgot our flight leaves in four hours

🐍a🐍ha: fine i dont really care if we miss our flight i just want you to reply cause i need goss

🐍a🐍ha: should i be worried because i'm starting to feel a bit worried

"Crap," I muttered after reading Alyssa's texts. Her last message had been at 3:16, half an hour ago.

"What's wrong?" Justin questioned. 

"I accidentally took Alyssa's phone and she's been texting me but I haven't replied." I began typing a response to lyss but then groaned when the screen died. "Doesn't she ever charge her phone?" I grumbled, more to myself than anything. 

"Didn't you say she has your phone?" Justin asked. 

I nodded and he dug his phone out of his pocket, tapped a few a buttons and passed it to me. "Text her." 

I sent her a short message telling her that her phone had died and that I was headed back to the hotel. 

As I went to give Justin his phone back I noticed something on the screen that I hadn't payed attention to in my hastiness to message Alyssa. 

"Lucky Charm?" I wondered aloud. "Why do you have me saved as lucky charm?"

 "Because," He answered me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "When we first met i didn't know anything about you except that you liked lucky charms." 

"Yeah but that was before you got a new phone and deleted my number. Couldn't you have saved it as something cooler this time?" I asked playfully.

Justin looked confused. "I didn't delete your phone number." 

Now it was my turn to be bewildered.  "But when we fought you said you were."

"I changed my mind and didn't want to anymore, whats the big deal?"

"You had my number all this time, but you didn't text me?" Even to my own ears i could hear the hurt and I hated that when it came to Justin and my feelings, i was an open book. 

"That's sort of the point of not speaking to someone." 

"Whatever." I angled myself away from him and instead focused on the lights and scenery zooming by outside. 

Under The Eiffel |  j.b ✓Where stories live. Discover now